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  1. #1

    Default Adding a custum attribute with required customer upload.

    I am adding some customizing services to my store where a customer can have an image of theirs cast into a pen blank and used instead of the production blanks we have available. I am wanting to have this attribute available in my list of attributes to where the customer selects this option and will be presented with a place to upload said image to be cast. Preferably, when the option is selected, the customer is directed to an upload page either after successful checkout or is sent an email requesting the image they wish to use. I have attributes already on the products with associated pricing and I know I can easily add the option for the custom cast blank, but it is the automated uploading of the customer's desired image file where I am scratching my head. I could always manually email the request for the image, but would rather not have to think about it and just have the image waiting for me already.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance.

    AnkleBiter Woodworks

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Adding a custum attribute with required customer upload.

    There is an upload/file option as an attribute. That button would allow upload of the file immediately to the product and not require some back and forth communication.

    Arrangement/display of the option and/or any additional verification (such as if this dropdown selection is made, then a file upload is required type verification) is something that can be handled "after" the fact.

    The more you can get the customer to do right then and there while looking at the product or during checkout, the more likely to have a successful sale.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Adding a custum attribute with required customer upload.

    I figured there was a way. I am not 100% sure as to how to go about enabling this option for an attribute and will have to poke around and find where it is. If you know where in the attributes manager this is, that would help speed this along for me. Either way, thank you for the response.
    AnkleBiter Woodworks

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Adding a custum attribute with required customer upload.

    Catalog->Option Names Manager, select the type as a file. This will offer a button to upload a file as part of process (add-to-cart). That will at least offer the opportunity to see what it can look like. Submission validation can be accomplished a number of ways.
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Adding a custum attribute with required customer upload.

    I was able to find where the file upload attribute can be added to an item. Where I am having difficulty is getting it to work properly. I think it may be that my understanding of how the attributes work is confusing me. I cannot seem to combine a radio selection with the file upload option--specifically requiring the upload before moving on to adding to cart. From what I am seeing in the attribute manager, the file upload attribute is completely separate from the selection and price modification of adding that option. How can I get that file upload to become available/required when the particular attribute name is selected?
    AnkleBiter Woodworks

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Adding a custum attribute with required customer upload.

    That somewhat depends on when in the process to try to make it "better" for a customer. The base expectation would be a check after or a part of submission (this can be done as part of a file in includes/extra_cart_actions file). To provide immediate user response (assuming enabled) would be some variation of javascript. Listen to the setting of the dropdown, when it's value is "X" then display/unhide the button and associated content, disable the add-to-cart button until the button has been user activated/populated. OnChange of the dropdown, hide the button (store/unset the data so that it does not get submitted), allow the add-to-cart to resume normal operation. At least that's my thoughts on the manner without much more yet considered.
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Adding a custum attribute with required customer upload.

    That is pretty much what I was wanting to do. Sadly, programming is not my forte. I am capable of modification, but the programming from scratch is where I fail. I still have time before this will be ready to implement, so I will keep researching. Thanks for the assistance!
    AnkleBiter Woodworks

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Adding a custum attribute with required customer upload.

    Did a "quick" search for the following: javascript unhide button when dropdown menu changes

    Which provided answers of code that could be written/used to obtain the desired effect. javascript/jquery code can be loaded from multiple locations, I would tend to target the includes/modules/pages/product_info location just because it seems like that would be the "only" place at which the javascript would be needed (yes should also be applied to the document_general and other product type folders, but its not needed on say the checkout_shipping page or contact_us page...

    There is wiki information and FAQ information about how to incorporate javascript (jscript_*) style code. Yes, jQuery can be used in those "files". There is also custom CSS possible say to specifically hide the upload button when the page is first loaded and the javascript hasn't identified that the current selection should show the button. I don't want to go too far into that description until either asked about or comes up. I think there is enough already presented on which to chew.

    Alternatively, others may either offer the associated code or do so through private support/agreement.
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  9. #9

    Default Re: Adding a custum attribute with required customer upload.

    I had a chance yesterday to do some more searching and it turns out there is a Zencart plugin which operates on the Require Text option in the attribute setup. After downloading that, it performed just as I needed. Your suggestions for what to search for were what helped. I was having issue finding the correct terminology for the search. It added a few additional PHP files and modified the ad to cart file to check for the required upload.

    Here is the plugin I found:

    Thanks for the help!
    AnkleBiter Woodworks



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