
I have ZC version 1.3.8a with a number of addons, including SEO urls, Tag Cloud, User Tracking, and a couple of others. I installed ZC without using the hosting installer, and I have not upgraded the version of ZenCart since it was installed, a number of years ago. The PHP version of my server is 5.2.17, and I am concerned about upgrading the PHP version, and that it might cause the site to not load at all. Presently, we are not using the cart purchase functions, it is being used as a display gallery.

If I was to upgrade the PHP version from 5.2.17 to 5.4 or 5.5, which are both supported by my server, would it cause the add-ons shown above, or the site itself, to stop working entirely? This has been my main concern with upgrading the PHP version (and the ZC version), is that either the site would stop loading entirely, or that the add-ons would stop working.

Since I am not using the site for people to make purchases, but I do collect user data, and users can presently still register, I would like to know what such a PHP upgrade might do to this site. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.