
My brain is struggling with this one - I need a MySQL query that pulls out the details for customers that have only ordered once - and as I would like to use query builder it would be great if it was in 1 query (hence my issue)

this seems to give me the details or number of orders per customer_id:
SELECT c.customers_id, COUNT(c.customers_id) as ccount FROM customers c, orders o WHERE c.customers_id=o.customers_id GROUP BY (c.customers_id)
but then I am trying to get it into a list of their details
SELECT c.customers_email_address, c.customers_lastname, c.customers_firstname from customers c 

WHERE c.customers_id IN (SELECT c.customers_id, COUNT(c.customers_id) FROM customers c, orders o WHERE c.customers_id=o.customers_id GROUP BY (c.customers_id)) GROUP BY 

c.customers_email_address ORDER BY c.customers_lastname, c.customers_firstname ASC
but also need to have the COUNT = 1
failing miserably!

I can do it in different steps offline but is it possible to do online via query_builder and online?

thank you