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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
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    help question ZC upgrade fails from 1.3.9 to 1.50 using v1.5.5f install

    Years ago I volunteered to help make this store for a family member and after a long absence am back at trying to upgrade. I wish this was done sometime ago but it is what it is. Recently the SSL certificate needed updated by host and that broke the shipping module of old store, plus a few other PayPal checkout quirks. Seeing how outdated the cart was and the newer server upgrades to PHP and Mysql made me think its time to move on and not try to keep the old store going. Although store did work ok until that cert. install and the many years is a testament of how good 1.3.9h was. Store is down for maintenance for now, unfortunately.

    We have been going deep for over 2 weeks and researched the forum and other sources but appear to be at a dead end.
    Did a copy of DB and followed Dr. Bytes "How do I Upgrade My Zen Cart" for test site. Been many years so I need to re remember where able.

    So we repeatedly get to the point of My_store/ZC_install with 1.55f and after it tries to Upgrade DB it gives up before reaching a 1.50 upgrade.
    My DB experience is lacking and am trying to wrap my mind around possible fixes but does anyone recognizes what direction I may start towards at at this point?

    Also should I try to uninstall any Plugins SQL from the DB before upgrading?
    I know some plugins like Image Handler will need a newer version anyway and other may just need cleaned out for good. I did use a My_template override system as well. Tried to keep store simple but found remnents of older stuff back from the 1.2.x days

    Below is the Logs we usually find in the new store after a DB upgrade attempt with 1.5.5f;

    Apr 12 2018 18:11 -- upgradeException
    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) VALUES ('Telephone - Customer Service', 'STORE_TELEPHONE_CUSTSERVICE', '', 'Enter a telephone number for customers to reach your Customer Service department. This number may be sent as part of payment transaction details.', 1, 7, now());  1364: Field 'configuration_id' doesn't have a default value  
    Apr 12 2018 18:11 -- upgradeException
    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) VALUES ('login mode https', 'SSLPWSTATUSCHECK', '', 'System setting. Do not edit.', 6, 99, now());  1364: Field 'configuration_id' doesn't have a default value  
    Apr 12 2018 18:11 -- upgradeException
    ALTER TABLE admin_activity_log CHANGE COLUMN log_id log_id bigint(15) NOT NULL auto_increment;  1075: Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key  
    Apr 12 2018 18:11 -- upgradeException
    ALTER TABLE admin_activity_log DROP INDEX page_accessed;  1091: Can't DROP 'page_accessed'; check that column/key exists  
    Apr 12 2018 18:11 -- upgradeException
    ALTER TABLE admin_activity_log DROP INDEX access_date;  1091: Can't DROP 'access_date'; check that column/key exists  
    Apr 12 2018 18:11 -- upgradeException
    FROM project_version;  1364: Field 'project_version_id' doesn't have a default value

    And of course this log, all others Passed;

    Apr 12 2018 18:10 -- checkPhpVersion
        [version] => 7.1.0
        [versionTest] => ge

    And from a third Log is the below Fails, all other Passed;

    Apr 12 2018 18:09 -- checkIniGet
        [inigetName] => output_buffering
        [expectedValue] => 1
    Apr 12 2018 18:10 -- checkIniGet
        [inigetName] => output_buffering
        [expectedValue] => 1
    And from a forth Log is the below errors;

    [12-Apr-2018 18:11:00 America/Detroit] MySQL error 1364 encountered during zc_install:
    Field 'upgrade_exception_id' doesn't have a default value
    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) VALUES ('Telephone - Customer Service', 'STORE_TELEPHONE_CUSTSERVICE', '', 'Enter a telephone number for customers to reach your Customer Service department. This number may be sent as part of payment transaction details.', 1, 7, now());
    [12-Apr-2018 18:11:00 America/Detroit] MySQL error 1364 encountered during zc_install:
    Field 'upgrade_exception_id' doesn't have a default value
    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) VALUES ('login mode https', 'SSLPWSTATUSCHECK', '', 'System setting. Do not edit.', 6, 99, now());
    [12-Apr-2018 18:11:00 America/Detroit] MySQL error 1364 encountered during zc_install:
    Field 'upgrade_exception_id' doesn't have a default value
    ALTER TABLE admin_activity_log CHANGE COLUMN log_id log_id bigint(15) NOT NULL auto_increment;
    [12-Apr-2018 18:11:00 America/Detroit] MySQL error 1364 encountered during zc_install:
    Field 'upgrade_exception_id' doesn't have a default value
    ALTER TABLE admin_activity_log DROP INDEX page_accessed;
    [12-Apr-2018 18:11:00 America/Detroit] MySQL error 1364 encountered during zc_install:
    Field 'upgrade_exception_id' doesn't have a default value
    ALTER TABLE admin_activity_log DROP INDEX access_date;
    [12-Apr-2018 18:11:00 America/Detroit] MySQL error 1364 encountered during zc_install:
    Field 'upgrade_exception_id' doesn't have a default value
    FROM project_version;

    Can someone please help?
    Thank you,

    My world;
    PHP version 5.4.45
    Mysql version 5.6.38
    Linux server

    Plugins are likely1.3.9 or before (or found remnants of older plugins)
    Google Sitemap or Sitemapxml
    Syscheck 1.3.8
    ImageHandler 3
    google analytics
    Zen 1.5.5f
    Zen 1.3.9h, Zen 1.27 + (did that, done with that)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Stuart, FL
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: ZC upgrade fails from 1.3.9 to 1.50 using Zencart 1.5.5f install

    It sounds like you know your way around phpMyAdmin. Use that tool to view your to-be-upgraded database and provide screenshots of the Structure of the following database tables (if your DB_PREFIX is other than '', the table names will be prefixed by that value):


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
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    Default Re: ZC upgrade fails from 1.3.9 to 1.50 using Zencart 1.5.5f install

    Thank you for the kind reply. Attached is the screenshots. I am just not seeing what may be obvious.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Zencart admin_activity_log.jpg 
Views:	160 
Size:	56.7 KB 
ID:	17792

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Zencart DB configuration structure.jpg 
Views:	133 
Size:	62.3 KB 
ID:	17793

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Zencart DB project_version structure.jpg 
Views:	132 
Size:	60.2 KB 
ID:	17794

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Zencart DB upgrade_exceptions structure.jpg 
Views:	121 
Size:	40.2 KB 
ID:	17795
    Zen 1.5.5f
    Zen 1.3.9h, Zen 1.27 + (did that, done with that)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: ZC upgrade fails from 1.3.9 to 1.50 using Zencart 1.5.5f install

    Are those images from the existing down-for-maintenance live site's database or the new database that has received a "copy" of the live database?

    How was this copy/backup made/with what settings?

    For the applicable tables the EXTRA column is missing the setting of AUTO_INCREMENT for say log_id, etc...
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
    Contribution for contributions welcome...

  5. #5
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    Jul 2012
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    Default Re: ZC upgrade fails from 1.3.9 to 1.50 using Zencart 1.5.5f install

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    Are those images from the existing down-for-maintenance live site's database or the new database that has received a "copy" of the live database?

    How was this copy/backup made/with what settings?

    For the applicable tables the EXTRA column is missing the setting of AUTO_INCREMENT for say log_id, etc...
    Perhaps step "2" of this FAQ would also help assuming that the original database is/was ok:
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
    Contribution for contributions welcome...

  6. #6
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    Default Re: ZC upgrade fails from 1.3.9 to 1.50 using Zencart 1.5.5f install

    Are those images from the existing down-for-maintenance live site's database or the new database that has received a "copy" of the live database?

    How was this copy/backup made/with what settings?

    For the applicable tables the EXTRA column is missing the setting of AUTO_INCREMENT for say log_id, etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    Perhaps step "2" of this FAQ would also help assuming that the original database is/was ok:
    Yes, this is a copy of the down for maintenance live site's database.

    Well after many trials and slow transfers with the standard above, I tried on this one Database_copy-2 a new to me way of copying a live DB. I went into PhpMyAdmin / Operations and chose "Copy table to database.table" and clicked off "Add Drop Table". Was fast, allowed many more tests. Not sure how that compares to the standard......

    But that said, perhaps to my dismay. The original live DB and perhaps some older ones all do not have AUTO_INCREMENT in the Extra column as you have found on these images. I looked at an old demo store and they have it. Not sure where else these AUTO_INCREMENT should all be but they are not in the columns in question.

    Can this be fixed?
    Zen 1.5.5f
    Zen 1.3.9h, Zen 1.27 + (did that, done with that)

  7. #7
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    Default Re: ZC upgrade fails from 1.3.9 to 1.50 using Zencart 1.5.5f install

    And as anyone perhaps is thinking about this, I was using phpMyAdmin 4.7.7.....
    Zen 1.5.5f
    Zen 1.3.9h, Zen 1.27 + (did that, done with that)

  8. #8
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    Default Re: ZC upgrade fails from 1.3.9 to 1.50 using Zencart 1.5.5f install

    Just doing my homework. I found this #17 post by Dr. Byte from June 12, 2006 that appears to be addressing a similar issue this database has with a successful script he made. There is a red line reference there to a newer version that I haven't been able to find anywhere yet. I did always do the normal backup of database forever as described at .

    As my prior backup database is not showing AUTO_INCREMENT like I am assuming it should then I suspect a change of servers my host did back in July, 2016 might be the cause?

    Should I be seeking this script described or another direction for a possible repair?

    Thank you
    Zen 1.5.5f
    Zen 1.3.9h, Zen 1.27 + (did that, done with that)

  9. #9
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: ZC upgrade fails from 1.3.9 to 1.50 using Zencart 1.5.5f install

    DrByte's database-backup FAQ still holds true for phpMyAdmin 4.7.7 (the interface has had a facelift, though!). Make sure that you've got a backup of the database's current contents, then use phpMyAdmin's SQL tab to run the following queries to re-instate the auto_increment on the four problematic tables:

    ALTER TABLE admin_activity_log MODIFY COLUMN log_id bigint(15) NOT NULL auto_increment;
    ALTER TABLE configuration MODIFY COLUMN configuration_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
    ALTER TABLE project_version MODIFY COLUMN project_version_id tinyint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment;
    ALTER TABLE upgrade_exceptions MODIFY COLUMN upgrade_exception_id smallint(5) NOT NULL auto_increment;
    That should get you past your current hurdle, but there's no telling what other bug-a-boos are lurking in that database's structure.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: ZC upgrade fails from 1.3.9 to 1.50 using Zencart 1.5.5f install

    Thank you for providing this script! I will give this a trial run and see what happens.

    But I am concerned where I found the AUTO_INCREMENT missing in other random views of this copy and other backups of database in comparison to an old demo.

    Am I correctly assuming that it is best to just fix these (4) rather than attempt to fix all entries for this (if even doable)? And then proceed from what may be likely other issues?

    My experience in databases is very limited but I learn a lot by doing this sort of thing, as frustrating as it can be at times.
    I am thinking you might be protecting me from fixing what may not be broke in other areas.
    Zen 1.5.5f
    Zen 1.3.9h, Zen 1.27 + (did that, done with that)


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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR