v3.6.5 of the Bootstrap template is now available for download: https://www.zen-cart.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=2191
This release contains changes associated with the following GitHub issues:
#342: Preserve listing filters in listings' display-order form.
#344: Correct "Missing constant" logs for zc158 on the products_all page.
#343: Add display-order selection for products' and specials' listings (zc200 or later, only).
#349: Use zen_get_products_name to display products' names in listings.
#345: Correct products' table formatting on the AJAX checkout_payment page.
#352: Change products items title from heading to paragraph for accessibility.
#353: Enable the zca_splitPageResults class to be overridden.
#355: Provide title HTML attributes on header-navigation links.
#356: Always display the "Home" link in the header; ensure header-messages are displayed even if the header is disabled.
Bootstrap v3.6.4
OPC v2.5.1
I am upgrading ZCA v3.6.4 to v3.6.5
I can't find the file "/includes/languages/english/bootstrap/extra_definitions/lang.zca_bootstrap_common.php"
Should it be "/includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/bootstrap/lang.zca_bootstrap_common.php" ?
Nearly it is in "/includes/languages/english/bootstrap/extra_definitions/bootstrap/lang.zca_bootstrap_common.php"
Mark Brittain
Thanks, but the v3.6.5 distribution /includes/languages/english/bootstrap/ only contains lang.account_history_info.php and account_history_info.php.
And /includes/languages/english/ contains two folders: bootstrap & extra_definitions.
The latter folder contains the file /lang.zca_bootstrap_common.php.
Last edited by jpda; 25 Apr 2024 at 02:37 PM. Reason: typo
Crud, the readme.html is wrong. The language files for the template are in either
... except for the zca_bootstrap_id.php (no lang. prefix), which is present in the ..../extra_definitions/bootstrap sub-directory.
Thanks for your confirmation Cindy!
FWIW, I've corrected that readme on the GitHub repository; viewable here: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https...ap/readme.html
Version 3.4.0 (and perhaps earlier) has a small bug that the checkbox for "conditions" created in includes/templates/bootstrap/templates/tpl_checkout_payment_default.php doesn't include the "required" attribute. This is fixed in more recent versions of the template but wasn't listed as one of the fixes - just wanted to put a note here in case someone else hit this issue.
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[QUOTE=lat9;1400527]v3.6.5 of the Bootstrap template is now available for download: https://www.zen-cart.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=2191
I am about to upgrade to ZC2.0.0. Are there any known issues with 2.0.0?