Found a minor bug in ZenCart v1.5.5f when customer tries to edit address in their address book. The state dropdown is not auto-populated as it was in previous ZC versions.

Steps to reproduce:
Login, go to My Account > View or change entries in my address book > click 'Edit' next to an address

This is corrected by editing the following file:

Change this code (line 85):
    echo zen_draw_input_field('state', zen_get_zone_name($entry->fields['entry_country_id'], $entry->fields['entry_zone_id'], $entry->fields['entry_state']), zen_set_field_length(TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK, 'entry_state', '40') . ' id="state" placeholder="' . ENTRY_STATE_TEXT . '"');
To this:
    echo zen_draw_input_field('state', zen_get_zone_name($entry->fields['entry_country_id'], $entry->fields['entry_zone_id'], $entry->fields['entry_state']), zen_set_field_length(TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK, 'entry_state', '40') . ' id="state"');
    if (zen_not_null(ENTRY_STATE_TEXT)) echo '&nbsp;<span class="alert" id="stText">' . ENTRY_STATE_TEXT . '</span>';