I am//was having a problem with the images in the carousel. It seems I was getting a small image that was over-expanded and pretty lossy. I tried resizing in the admin to no avail, even to the point of sizing lower than the small image. I tried several different sizing settings with no change. What I ended up doing was increasing the number of images in admin all the way up to 6 before it became sized right. 6 though, looks pretty good albeit pretty crowded. Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions are welcome
Waiting to be Zenned - Over-thinking makes an easy task complicated.
Yeah, with Owl Carousel being responsive, it automatically adapts width of the individual item to the size of the container and number of items displayed.
You can try adding a max-width setting in your includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/css/index_home.css
Of course, change the 200 to what you seem fit.Code:.sliderItem { max-width: 200px; margin: 0 auto; }
yeah with owl carousel being pretty much dead, it might behoove someone to update this plugin....
certainly needs updating in order to work with the latest version of jQuery....
OUCH! Hummm, ok! Lets see how badly I can break my home page. Copy, copy, copy. I assume this is new code, not a replacement, so this (I think) is my first exposure to (somewhat) starting something and I best well copy that file many times just in case. Itsa gonna be a cool lesson- To the Batcave Robin!
Waiting to be Zenned - Over-thinking makes an easy task complicated.
Waiting to be Zenned - Over-thinking makes an easy task complicated.
Well, uhm... OwlCarousel may be dead, but it's still quite good. The version currently available for download was based on OC 2.3.3, and I've submitted an update about a week ago (takes quite long to get approved). The update uses the latest OC 2.3.4 which definitely does work with jQuery 3.5.1 (tested on ZC 1.5.7b without issues). The one found on my website is updated.
But, you just raised another BIG red flag - I was just about to release ZX Slideshow v2 with much better functionality than the original, but I based it on OwlCarousel...
My reply was actually to @carlwhat...
I don't have any plans to improve this plugin - no feedback, no ideas, no requests... I'm assuming it's doing it's job quite well. There is an update already submitted, just not yet available in the Plugins because it's awaiting Moderators' approval (@Scott wakey wakey ). There's not much in the update so don't expect anything special.
The other thing I was just about to release was an update for ZX Slideshow, which is a similar, but quite different plugin. If you had the chance to check what I PM-ed you the other day, it's already included there...
But, I guess now I have to put that on hold since OwlCarousel is a dead end. Thank you, @carlwhat. Do you get commission from my Recycle Bin, perhaps?