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  1. #111
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Bear in mind that some of this functionality is actually built in to 1.5.7, so the relevance of this mod might only be 1.5.6 or prior.
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  2. #112
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Quote Originally Posted by dbltoe View Post
    Speaking of 1.5.7 and this mod....

    In doing the Accessibility check for 1.5.7 we had noticed what Scott pointed out and dropped the mod out of our test site to not confuse matters.

    However, when looking at a 1.5.6c site with the mod installed, we get three accessibility errors with regard to form labels.

    Apologies, as I am dumbing this down for those that might not know.

    When display:none or display:hidden are used, the browser still processes the data it is not going to display. For instance, if you were to remove the image and header defines for the logo and did display:none for the logoWrapper, the accessibility will take a hit for the items that are not defined even though they will not be displayed. Even a hidden 404 error that might not be picked up without the right tool.

    Such is the case with the hidden form input for e-mail-us.
    <div class="email-pot"><label for="email-us">
    <input type="email" name="xp0YOfVCAM" id="email-us" title="do not fill in!" placeholder="do not fill in!" autocomplete="off"></div>
    The label is started but needs to be finished like
    <div class="email-pot"><label for="email-us">EMail</label>
    <input type="email" name="xp0YOfVCAM" id="email-us" title="do not fill in!" placeholder="do not fill in!" autocomplete="off">

    Also, the labels are missing on the two radio buttons.

    I did not find a github location for this or I would have done a commit to address this.

    Thanks for your work on this mod. Several of our clients have been greatly relieved with its use.
    It's just a dumb input field... in past 155 and in 157 it's just an input field with no labels at all... In my mind, coming from years of reversing coding, code that looks like it belongs can easily get bypassed by human eyes, bots only see input and can't read labels... lest I've not tight my bot to read yet... Unfortunately, I use hidden labels which are label tags that live within the input field. When moving things over I try to change them so others can follow, but looks like I failed here..

    The radio buttons, level2 is not meant to have labels but the FontAwesome computer/human icons.. This can be changed if you like to labels. Never should any of them be selected.

    As a side note: while live I find that there is really no need for the fields other then to catch bots that use no url's or email address within any fields listed in the observer.

    With ZC1.5.7, there is no need for this mod, and if you wish to clean this one, github is NonCAPTCHA our post an update to ZC. I've had issues with accessibility readers, basically I don't play well with them, so I can always use pointers..
    Always forward thinking... Lost my mind!

  3. #113
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Installed on 1.5.3. Turned off slider but still getting spam accounts. I did change hidden fields name under layout setting. Is there anything else I need to do to make it work?

  4. #114
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Quote Originally Posted by jsarwar View Post
    Installed on 1.5.3. Turned off slider but still getting spam accounts. I did change hidden fields name under layout setting. Is there anything else I need to do to make it work?
    Not tested on that old of a cart... comparing ZC151 with 156c, all the pieces are there so I see no reason for it not working! I would need more hints to guess why. like link to site, what other mods so on. What's in the spam account fields!
    Always forward thinking... Lost my mind!

  5. #115
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Sorry for returning on this so late. I read it differently before and reread it with the latest post.

    Quote Originally Posted by davewest View Post
    The radio buttons, level2 is not meant to have labels but the FontAwesome computer/human icons.. This can be changed if you like to labels. Never should any of them be selected.
    Accessibility does not care about a physical/visible label for a radio button but, it does penalize if a reader can't find something to tell the visually impaired what the button is about. Even with FontAwesome icons, the reader would want labels. From the FontAwesome folks.
    FontAwesome CDN helps you automate accessibility support more easily so your icons work for the most people possible. You only need turn on a setting, use our simple syntax, and any icons you use will have all of the best practices and manual techniques below applied automatically.
    Thus, you won't find arial tags for the FontAwesome icons currently used in Zen Cart as the setting is already there.

    Meanwhile, until the buttons are converted to FontAwesome icons, sites will take an accessibility hit for no label in the code.

    Good article at talking about labeling being determined by the reason for using the icon.

    Bottom line appears to be that everything gets a label even if the label is to tell the reader that the icon is just a decoration.

  6. #116
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Quote Originally Posted by davewest View Post
    Not tested on that old of a cart... comparing ZC151 with 156c, all the pieces are there so I see no reason for it not working! I would need more hints to guess why. like link to site, what other mods so on. What's in the spam account fields!
    FEC module is installed. I noticed download is missing include/modules/create account it has all other files for module folders. I downloaded latest one.

  7. #117
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Quote Originally Posted by jsarwar View Post
    FEC module is installed. I noticed download is missing include/modules/create account it has all other files for module folders. I downloaded latest one.
    I've not used FEC sense updating from ZC1.3.9 and advancing my template code.. There are no modules in this mod for create_account the existing code triggers the observer
    if FEC is missing that in its account creation form, or the $antiSpam tests, then CAPTCHA would fail! Also the latest download is for ZC156c so you should use a compare program to make changes in your older ZC.

    Accessibility does not care about a physical/visible label for a radio button but, it does penalize if a reader can't find something to tell the visually impaired what the button is about. Even with FontAwesome icons, the reader would want labels. From the FontAwesome folks.
    I'm thinking I don't really want text readers speaking about hidden elements... After testing, the radio field can be deleted, bots seem to pass it by, however, they love the slider.. they always pick the last number in the max setting. Have you tested ZC157 simple input text field?
    Always forward thinking... Lost my mind!

  8. #118
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Dave, I'm wondering about the jscript_nonCaptcha files. Two questions:

    a) Does it make sense to just have one copy of the actual javascript logic, and have the individual jscript_ files include it, rather than replicating the same JS in 7 places?

    b) It seems like after

    var slideCol = document.getElementById("id1");

    you should have

    if (slideCol != null) {

    for folks who set "Use Spam Slider" to False in Admin > Configuration > Layout Settings.
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  9. #119
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Quote Originally Posted by swguy View Post
    Dave, I'm wondering about the jscript_nonCaptcha files. Two questions:

    a) Does it make sense to just have one copy of the actual javascript logic, and have the individual jscript_ files include it, rather than replicating the same JS in 7 places?

    b) It seems like after

    var slideCol = document.getElementById("id1");

    you should have

    if (slideCol != null) {

    for folks who set "Use Spam Slider" to False in Admin > Configuration > Layout Settings.
    The script was to mirror a number/word for the user to figure out where they was going. Script does no more then that. With IE it fails all together so maybe a IE kill.. Although a null would be good too.. I used the script with other scripts and just set it out by it self for the mod, With jscript_ wouldn't it load on all pages, not just forms? I did that with colorbox some time back and it loads everywhere.

    Some results form past tracking. I'm still using this on my 156 site while setting up 157..
    1) bots was not using the input field at all.
    2) I had the input field set as type email and the auto-fill form plugins was hitting it. Remove type email and that fixed it.
    3) bots would guess at the radio buttons, any selected would be wrong.
    3) bots love the slider and would always pick the default or last number (max number).

    With 157, no need for any of this so far. I'm almost done with my edits and started testing, well start deep testing soon..

    I'm moving on, but I know some of you have to support older installs. The life of web masters.. I no longer have anything to do with Windoze or a need to hack it... IE decided slider should be as they wish it and not as all the others went with... Thus I couldn't get the script to have an IE response.
    Last edited by davewest; 12 Nov 2020 at 12:33 AM.
    Always forward thinking... Lost my mind!

  10. #120
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Quote Originally Posted by davewest View Post
    With jscript_ wouldn't it load on all pages, not just forms?
    If loaded in /includes/templates/TEMPLATENAME/jscript/jscript_xxxxxx.js (or.php) then yes.
    But if loaded in /includes/modules/pages/PAGENAME/jscript_xxxxxxx.js(or .php) then only loads when ?main_page=PAGENAME


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