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  1. #11
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    So, I take it we're not using display:none as it will also not display it to the bots? Would be nice to not have the big blank areas of the page.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Quote Originally Posted by dbltoe View Post
    So, I take it we're not using display:none as it will also not display it to the bots? Would be nice to not have the big blank areas of the page.
    inline styles are easy to spot or code into bots to spot... I've not had any blank areas using the responsive classic template or a plain html page..
    <div class="email-pot"> 
    <label for="email-us"></label> 
    <?php echo zen_draw_input_field(SPAM_TEST_TEXT, '', ' id="email-us" title="do not fill in!" placeholder="do not fill in!" autocomplete="off"', 'email'); ?> 
    The last update should have place this into the css file..
    .email-pot {position:absolute; visibility:hidden; display:none;}
    The entire DIV is hidden! Pointers or link please...

    @one tall man
    Always forward thinking... Lost my mind!

  3. #13
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    No problem with the execution. Just wondering why the double use.

    visibility:hidden, by design, makes the item invisible but leaves the space the item would need if not hidden.

    display:none, by design, makes the item AND the space it would occupy go away. Cleaner method.

    But, my question was whether one or the other would affect the way a bot sees the page. Google will actually look at items even if set to display none.

    Is using either the visibility or display inadvertently aiding the bots by eliminating the listing intended to trap them in the first place?

    If not, perhaps display:none is the ticket.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Quote Originally Posted by dbltoe View Post
    No problem with the execution. Just wondering why the double use.

    visibility:hidden, by design, makes the item invisible but leaves the space the item would need if not hidden.

    display:none, by design, makes the item AND the space it would occupy go away. Cleaner method.

    But, my question was whether one or the other would affect the way a bot sees the page. Google will actually look at items even if set to display none.

    Is using either the visibility or display inadvertently aiding the bots by eliminating the listing intended to trap them in the first place?

    If not, perhaps display:none is the ticket.
    See, I'm not an css expert... but I just did a search and figured it out... The info, groups discussing honey pots came up with display:none, visibility: hidden, opacity: 0 and position off screen. In FireFox positioning off screen makes the page jump to the top.. I see now Visibility hidden, would not be that grate ether... I thought I read something about IOS, Android needing one or the other... but not finding it now. My bad for not Googling css tricks on it better.

    Bots are blind so hiding the input field is to keep humans from entering info and killing the form. Which is a good method to test the form. Bots are looking for form elements in HTML rendered pages to fill in. If I know the field name 'should_be_empty' I can add that field to be bypassed. I like to keep the fields looking the same as my other fields to keep the html clean and harder to find the hidden fields. Which is why I went with the field names editable in admin.

    When I finish upgrading things, I'll do an update and just do the display:none; or is there a better way!
    Always forward thinking... Lost my mind!

  5. #15
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    As my Welsh-Irish Grandfather used to say, "Max Nix."

    display:none is "more purdy" as long as it doesn't alert the bots, I'm happy with that.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    TNX Dave,

    Was holding out installing in our zc154 site until after the upgrade to 156a.

    The bots have the honeypot used in the Pica-Fluor templates figured out and I couldn't wait any longer. Both on contact-us and create account.

    The 3 hits of contact-us, post, success was less than 10 seconds for the bots.
    Zero since installing this.
    RixStix (dot) com
    aka: ChainWeavers (dot) com

  7. #17
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    hi i am sorry if this has been answered before but i have been sitting up all night trying to fix issues on my site since installing this plugin, is there a way to remove it?

  8. #18
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    i keep getting an error : You don't seem to be Human yet!

  9. #19
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetmade View Post
    hi i am sorry if this has been answered before but i have been sitting up all night trying to fix issues on my site since installing this plugin, is there a way to remove it?
    Looks like I totally messed setting up a uninstaller... delete the admin extra function init_noncaptcha.php file before running the sql or it would install again.. Replace all edited files with there original unedited files.

    in admin tools, install sql patches, paste the following and run to remove.
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'SPAM_TEST_TEXT';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'SPAM_TEST_USER';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'SPAM_TEST_IQ';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'SPAM_TEST';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'HUMAN_TEXT_DISPLAYED';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'HUMAN_TEXT_NOT_DISPLAYED';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'SPAM_ERROR';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'SPAM_USE_SLIDER';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'SPAM_ANSWER';
    Quote Originally Posted by sweetmade View Post
    i keep getting an error : You don't seem to be Human yet!
    The human test is based on a number set in SPAM_TEST.. Must be a number, words would fail. The number must be between the minimum and maximum set in the input field. I would suggest not using the max number for the test. Bots seem to pick the max number.

    Some things that would help us help you would be a link to the site if possible, version of zen cart and php? Are there any error logs?
    Always forward thinking... Lost my mind!

  10. #20
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    Default Re: non-CAPTCHA and Honey-pots

    Just grateful for this mod... thank you davewest!


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