Thread: New set of eyes

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Plugin Contributions

    Default New set of eyes

    I have a ZC website that has several pages of custom forms. I would like all the forms to be handled on the same page instead of separate ones.
    I am looking for a new set of eyes as I can’t figure out why this doesn’t send out the emails.
    Using the $current_page_base; variable I create a session on each of the form pages.

    $_SESSION['pageCameFrom'] = $current_page_base;

    ON my results page I have this code. It has been tested and works correctly.

    $pageCameFrom = "";
    $pageCameFrom = $_SESSION['pageCameFrom'];
    if ($pageCameFrom == "semi_trailer_tarp_quote") {
        echo "semi_trailer_tarp_quote page!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "fertilizer_quote") {
        echo "fertilizer_quote page!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "farm_truck_quote") {
        echo "farm_truck_quote page!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "belly_dump_quote") {
        echo "belly_dump_quote page!"; 
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "grain_cart_quote") {
        echo "grain_cart_quote page!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "replacement_tarp_quote") {
        echo "replacement_tarp_quote page!";
    } else {
        echo "You must submit a tarp quote form to get the results.";
    Testing the email handling code without it being inside of the “page came from code”, the results page emails the variables out and displays the thank you message correctly.
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
        $subject = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["subject"]);
    	$SemiOrPup = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["SemiOrPup"]);
    	$TypeOfTarpSystem = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["TypeOfTarpSystem"]);
    	$Bows = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Bows"]);
        $EndCapMaterial = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["EndCapMaterial"]);
        $Rise = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Rise"]);
        $FrontEndCap = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["FrontEndCap"]);
        $RearEndCap = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["RearEndCap"]);
        $ROLTECendcapDepth = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["ROLTECendcapDepth"]);
        $EZLOCboltonBracket = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["EZLOCboltonBracket"]);
        $EndCapOption = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["EndCapOption"]);
    	$RearFillerOption = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["RearFillerOption"]);
        $TarpFabric = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["TarpFabric"]);
        $TarpColor = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["TarpColor"]);
    	$AUpperBoxLength = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["AUpperBoxLength"]);
        $A1TaperedUpperLength = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["A1TaperedUpperLength"]);
        $A3Front = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["A3Front"]);
        $A2TaperedLowerLength = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["A2TaperedLowerLength"]);
        $A4Rear = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["A4Rear"]);
        $BUpperBoxWidth = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["BUpperBoxWidth"]);
    	$BUpperBoxWidthInFront = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["BUpperBoxWidthInFront"]);
        $BUpperBoxWidthInMiddle = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["BUpperBoxWidthInMiddle"]);
        $BUpperBoxWidthInRear = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["BUpperBoxWidthInRear"]);
        $CBoxHeight = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["CBoxHeight"]);
        $DTopRailWidth = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["DTopRailWidth"]);
        $EInsideBoxWidth = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["EInsideBoxWidth"]);
        $CornerConfiguration = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["CornerConfiguration"]);
        $FOutsideCornerRadius = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["FOutsideCornerRadius"]);
        $GFlatAcrossFront = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["GFlatAcrossFront"]);
        $HFlatAcrossDiagonal = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["HFlatAcrossDiagonal"]);
    	$IDiagonalDepth = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["IDiagonalDepth"]);
        $Company = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Company"]);
        $Contact = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Contact"]);
        $Address = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Address"]);
        $City = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["City"]);
        $State = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["State"]);
        $ZIP = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["ZIP"]);
        $email = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["email"]);
        $Phone = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Phone"]);
        $Fax = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Fax"]);
    	$BoxTrailer = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["BoxTrailer"]);
        $ContactPreference = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["ContactPreference"]);
    function SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($data)
        $data = trim($data);
        $data = stripslashes($data);
        $data = htmlspecialchars($data);
        return $data;
    $sender = '[email protected]';
    $recipient = '[email protected]';
    $message = "Subject: $subject 
    Semi Or Pup: $SemiOrPup
    Type Of Tarp System: $TypeOfTarpSystem 
    Bows: $Bows
    End Cap Material:  $EndCapMaterial
    Rise: . $Rise
    Front End Cap:  $FrontEndCap
    Rear End Cap: $RearEndCap
    ROLTEC end cap Depth:  $ROLTECendcapDepth
    EZLOC bolton Bracket:  $EZLOCboltonBracket
    End Cap Option:  $EndCapOption
    Rear Filler Option: $RearFillerOption
    Tarp Fabric:  $TarpFabric
    Tarp Color:  $TarpColor
    A-Upper Box Length:  $AUpperBoxLength
    A1-Tapered Upper Length: $A1TaperedUpperLength
    A2-Tapered Lower Length: $A2TaperedLowerLength
    A3-Front: $A3Front
    A4-Rear: $A4Rear
    B-Upper Box Width:  $BUpperBoxWidth
    B-Upper Box Width In Front: $BUpperBoxWidthInFront
    B-Upper Box Width In Middle: $BUpperBoxWidthInMiddle
    B-Upper Box Width In Rear: $BUpperBoxWidthInRear
    C-Box Height:  $CBoxHeight
    D-Top Rail Width:  $DTopRailWidth
    E-Inside Box Width:  $EInsideBoxWidth
    Corner Configuration:  $CornerConfiguration
    F-Outside Corner Radius: $FOutsideCornerRadius
    G-Flat Across Front: $GFlatAcrossFront
    H-Flat Across Diagonal: $HFlatAcrossDiagonal
    I-Diagonal Depth: $IDiagonalDepth
    Company:  $Company
    Contact:  $Contact
    Address:  $Address
    City:  $City
    State:  $State
    ZIP:  $ZIP
    Email: $email
    Phone:  $Phone
    Fax: $Fax
    Box Trailer: $BoxTrailer
    Contact Preference: . $ContactPreference";
    //$message = wordwrap($message, 70, "\r\n");
    //$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
    //$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset: utf8\r\n";
    $headers .= 'From:' . $sender;
    if (mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $headers))
        echo "Thank you for getting in touch!<br>
    We appreciate you contacting us about $subject. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly.<br>
    Have a great day!";
        echo "Error: Message not accepted";
    When I add the email code inside of the if elseif code, that is when the results page doesn’t email the results. Any ideas???

    $pageCameFrom = "";
    $pageCameFrom = $_SESSION['pageCameFrom'];
    if ($pageCameFrom == "semi_trailer_tarp_quote") {
        if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
            $subject = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["subject"]);
            $SemiOrPup = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["SemiOrPup"]);
            $TypeOfTarpSystem = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["TypeOfTarpSystem"]);
            $Bows = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Bows"]);
            $EndCapMaterial = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["EndCapMaterial"]);
            $Rise = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Rise"]);
            $FrontEndCap = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["FrontEndCap"]);
            $RearEndCap = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["RearEndCap"]);
            $ROLTECendcapDepth = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["ROLTECendcapDepth"]);
            $EZLOCboltonBracket = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["EZLOCboltonBracket"]);
            $EndCapOption = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["EndCapOption"]);
            $RearFillerOption = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["RearFillerOption"]);
            $TarpFabric = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["TarpFabric"]);
            $TarpColor = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["TarpColor"]);
            $AUpperBoxLength = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["AUpperBoxLength"]);
            $A1TaperedUpperLength = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["A1TaperedUpperLength"]);
            $A3Front = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["A3Front"]);
            $A2TaperedLowerLength = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["A2TaperedLowerLength"]);
            $A4Rear = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["A4Rear"]);
            $BUpperBoxWidth = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["BUpperBoxWidth"]);
            $BUpperBoxWidthInFront = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["BUpperBoxWidthInFront"]);
            $BUpperBoxWidthInMiddle = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["BUpperBoxWidthInMiddle"]);
            $BUpperBoxWidthInRear = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["BUpperBoxWidthInRear"]);
            $CBoxHeight = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["CBoxHeight"]);
            $DTopRailWidth = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["DTopRailWidth"]);
            $EInsideBoxWidth = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["EInsideBoxWidth"]);
            $CornerConfiguration = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["CornerConfiguration"]);
            $FOutsideCornerRadius = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["FOutsideCornerRadius"]);
            $GFlatAcrossFront = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["GFlatAcrossFront"]);
            $HFlatAcrossDiagonal = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["HFlatAcrossDiagonal"]);
            $IDiagonalDepth = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["IDiagonalDepth"]);
            $Company = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Company"]);
            $Contact = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Contact"]);
            $Address = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Address"]);
            $City = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["City"]);
            $State = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["State"]);
            $ZIP = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["ZIP"]);
            $email = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["email"]);
            $Phone = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Phone"]);
            $Fax = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["Fax"]);
            $BoxTrailer = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["BoxTrailer"]);
            $ContactPreference = SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($_POST["ContactPreference"]);
        function SemiTrailerTarpQuoteValidation($data)
            $data = trim($data);
            $data = stripslashes($data);
            $data = htmlspecialchars($data);
            return $data;
        $sender = '[email protected]';
        $recipient = '[email protected]';
        $message = "Subject: $subject 
    Semi Or Pup: $SemiOrPup
    Type Of Tarp System: $TypeOfTarpSystem 
    Bows: $Bows
    End Cap Material:  $EndCapMaterial
    Rise: . $Rise
    Front End Cap:  $FrontEndCap
    Rear End Cap: $RearEndCap
    ROLTEC end cap Depth:  $ROLTECendcapDepth
    EZLOC bolton Bracket:  $EZLOCboltonBracket
    End Cap Option:  $EndCapOption
    Rear Filler Option: $RearFillerOption
    Tarp Fabric:  $TarpFabric
    Tarp Color:  $TarpColor
    A-Upper Box Length:  $AUpperBoxLength
    A1-Tapered Upper Length: $A1TaperedUpperLength
    A2-Tapered Lower Length: $A2TaperedLowerLength
    A3-Front: $A3Front
    A4-Rear: $A4Rear
    B-Upper Box Width:  $BUpperBoxWidth
    B-Upper Box Width In Front: $BUpperBoxWidthInFront
    B-Upper Box Width In Middle: $BUpperBoxWidthInMiddle
    B-Upper Box Width In Rear: $BUpperBoxWidthInRear
    C-Box Height:  $CBoxHeight
    D-Top Rail Width:  $DTopRailWidth
    E-Inside Box Width:  $EInsideBoxWidth
    Corner Configuration:  $CornerConfiguration
    F-Outside Corner Radius: $FOutsideCornerRadius
    G-Flat Across Front: $GFlatAcrossFront
    H-Flat Across Diagonal: $HFlatAcrossDiagonal
    I-Diagonal Depth: $IDiagonalDepth
    Company:  $Company
    Contact:  $Contact
    Address:  $Address
    City:  $City
    State:  $State
    ZIP:  $ZIP
    Email: $email
    Phone:  $Phone
    Fax: $Fax
    Box Trailer: $BoxTrailer
    Contact Preference: . $ContactPreference";
    //$message = wordwrap($message, 70, "\r\n");
    //$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
    //$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset: utf8\r\n";
        $headers .= 'From:' . $sender;
        if (mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $headers))
            echo "Thank you for getting in touch!<br>
    We appreciate you contacting us about $subject. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly.<br>
    Have a great day!";
            echo "Error: Message not accepted";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "fertilizer_quote") {
        echo "fertilizer_quote page!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "farm_truck_quote") {
        echo "farm_truck_quote page!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "belly_dump_quote") {
        echo "belly_dump_quote!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "grain_cart_quote") {
        echo "grain_cart_quote page!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "replacement_tarp_quote") {
        echo "replacement_tarp_quote page!";
    } else {
        echo "You must submit a tarp quote form to get the results.";

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: New set of eyes

    This must have to do with the message itself (length?) because this code works correctly
    $pageCameFrom = "";
    $pageCameFrom = $_SESSION['pageCameFrom'];
    if ($pageCameFrom == "semi_trailer_tarp_quote") {
        $sender = '[email protected]';
        $recipient = '[email protected]';
        $subject = "php mail test";
        $message = "php test message";
        $headers = 'From:' . $sender;
        if (mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $headers))
            echo "Message accepted";
            echo "Error: Message not accepted";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "fertilizer_quote") {
        echo "fertilizer_quote page!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "farm_truck_quote") {
        echo "farm_truck_quote page!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "belly_dump_quote") {
        echo "belly_dump_quote!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "grain_cart_quote") {
        echo "grain_cart_quote page!";
    } elseif ($pageCameFrom == "replacement_tarp_quote") {
        echo "replacement_tarp_quote page!";
    } else {
        echo "You must submit a tarp quote form to get the results.";

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: New set of eyes

    Solved, the if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {} part of the code had to be placed before the test to see which page they came from code.



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