After a good night's sleep, I took time to read things carefully and figured out where to get my table, after searching FAQs on how to create ad db table and reading I looked at every file in zc_install until I found:
## add support for multi lingual ezpages
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ezpages_content (
pages_id int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
languages_id int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
pages_title varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
pages_html_text text NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY ez_pages (pages_id, languages_id),
KEY idx_lang_id_zen (languages_id)
INSERT IGNORE INTO ezpages_content (pages_id, languages_id, pages_title, pages_html_text)
SELECT e.pages_id, l.languages_id, e.pages_title, e.pages_html_text
FROM ezpages e
LEFT JOIN languages l ON 1;
ALTER TABLE ezpages DROP languages_id, DROP pages_title, DROP pages_html_text;
ALTER TABLE ezpages ADD status_visible int(1) NOT NULL default '0';
I did a back up of my test site database then 1st imported that entire upgrade zencart sql to my db and when that didn't work I tested copying just the above code into myPHPadmin and hit GO. I got errors of course then it hit me, something DrByte mentioned earlier in this post about the prefixes, so I added prefixes to the lines that shot back the error and voila! I got a nice table and I can see all of the EZ-Pages in my admin area again.
But the main page is still not working properly again, as a matter of fact I am back at square 1 with that. So I checked the logs and this is what I found:
myDEBUG-1545588857-132746.log ( ASCII text, with very long lines )
[23-Dec-2018 13:14:17 America/Detroit] Request URI: /webstore2/index.php?main_page=index, IP address:
#1 trigger_error() called at [/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:171]
#2 queryFactory->show_error() called at [/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:143]
#3 queryFactory->set_error() called at [/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:270]
#4 queryFactory->Execute() called at [/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/modules/becaberry/ezpages_bar_header.php:21]
#5 include(/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/modules/becaberry/ezpages_bar_header.php) called at [/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/templates/becaberry/templates/tpl_ezpages_bar_header.php:18]
#6 require(/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/templates/becaberry/templates/tpl_ezpages_bar_header.php) called at [/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/templates/becaberry/common/tpl_header_dropdown.php:201]
#7 require(/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/templates/becaberry/common/tpl_header_dropdown.php) called at [/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/templates/becaberry/common/tpl_header.php:93]
#8 require(/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/templates/becaberry/common/tpl_header.php) called at [/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/templates/becaberry/common/tpl_main_page.php:73]
#9 require(/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/templates/becaberry/common/tpl_main_page.php) called at [/home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/index.php:97]
[23-Dec-2018 13:14:17 America/Detroit] PHP Fatal error: 1054:Unknown column 'pages_title' in 'order clause' :: select * from zen_ezpages where status_header = 1 and header_sort_order > 0 order by header_sort_order, pages_title ==> (as called by) /home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/modules/becaberry/ezpages_bar_header.php on line 21 <== in /home/sammirah/public_html/webstore2/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 171
I know that means a column in the table pages_title is not suppose to be there but my brain is hurting too much to figure this out. My earlier chance encounters made me feel like a mad scientist! I honestly don't understand how you guys look at all this code all day, just a few lines and I can't function. Is there at least a point of reference to look at? I just wanna run my a matter of fact when all of this is done I am updating the db and keeping the test site.