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  1. #21
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    Default Re: Database Issues when Upgrading - Pease Help!

    So the thing is. In the history of this thread, the statement has been made that the ZC 1.5.5 database was imported to the database accessed by ZC 1.5.6 and that after that, zc_install was used to upgrade the database...

    It appears though that didn't happen, because 1 the table wasn't generated and 2, one of the fields that was to be added to an existing table didn't happen.

    Now, there could be a number of reasons that perhaps it didn't happen; however, that information is expected to be in the zcInstall logs that should exist in the logs directory if all has been incorporated correctly.

    Two ways come to mind to proceed, reupload the ZC 1.5.5 database to the ZC 1.5.6 site's database and do zc_install again and check the logs/attempt to access the test site.

    Or go through the upgrade script you just used and one by one apply the changes in there. If you are doing so through the admin's tools->install sql patches, then the prefix is unnecessary. If doing it through phpmyadmin (or similar) then the database prefix needs to be applied/added to each table's name.
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  2. #22
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    Default Re: Database Issues when Upgrading - Pease Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by sammirah View Post
    I know that means a column in the table pages_title is not suppose to be there but my brain is hurting too much to figure this out. My earlier chance encounters made me feel like a mad scientist! I honestly don't understand how you guys look at all this code all day, just a few lines and I can't function. Is there at least a point of reference to look at? I just wanna run my a matter of fact when all of this is done I am updating the db and keeping the test site.
    Ok I guess I read that wrong, I have searched all three db, and there is no table called pages_title...what am I missing here?!!!!

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Database Issues when Upgrading - Pease Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    So the thing is. In the history of this thread, the statement has been made that the ZC 1.5.5 database was imported to the database accessed by ZC 1.5.6 and that after that, zc_install was used to upgrade the database...

    It appears though that didn't happen, because 1 the table wasn't generated and 2, one of the fields that was to be added to an existing table didn't happen.

    Now, there could be a number of reasons that perhaps it didn't happen; however, that information is expected to be in the zcInstall logs that should exist in the logs directory if all has been incorporated correctly.

    Two ways come to mind to proceed, reupload the ZC 1.5.5 database to the ZC 1.5.6 site's database and do zc_install again and check the logs/attempt to access the test site.

    Or go through the upgrade script you just used and one by one apply the changes in there. If you are doing so through the admin's tools->install sql patches, then the prefix is unnecessary. If doing it through phpmyadmin (or similar) then the database prefix needs to be applied/added to each table's name.
    Ok, so I can try to run the mysql_upgrade_zencart_156.sql in the admin's tools>install sql patches to have it fix the tables?

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Database Issues when Upgrading - Pease Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by sammirah View Post
    Ok, so I can try to run the mysql_upgrade_zencart_156.sql in the admin's tools>install sql patches to have it fix the tables?
    Wouldn't advise running the entire script at once, but instead one sql query at a time. There may end up being errors because one of the commands may have already been executed and then you would have to go back and figure out which one(s) executed...

    The latest message is about a field in a table not existing. The table exists, but the field inside does not. That was one of the queries of doing the upgrade.
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  5. #25
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    Default Re: Database Issues when Upgrading - Pease Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    Wouldn't advise running the entire script at once, but instead one sql query at a time. There may end up being errors because one of the commands may have already been executed and then you would have to go back and figure out which one(s) executed...

    The latest message is about a field in a table not existing. The table exists, but the field inside does not. That was one of the queries of doing the upgrade.
    Ok, thanks. I have been using WinMerge on the individual files so far and that is working. I got it up and running so far, but I am testing each individual EZ-Page just in case.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Database Issues when Upgrading - Pease Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by sammirah View Post
    Ok, thanks. I have been using WinMerge on the individual files so far and that is working. I got it up and running so far, but I am testing each individual EZ-Page just in case.
    Note that there are other tables affected by the upgrade to using the ZC 1.5.6 files: configuration, orders related tables, products_options, image paths where images are used in a default install, and several others...

    Remember that the overall goal is that you have this temporary site to help complete/do the upgrade of your live site, regardless of the state it is/was in. So, you'll want to practice making this new site look like/operate like you want based on whatever your current live database has in it. Unfortunately the live site's database isn't as it should have been for ZC 1.5.5, but all is still recoverable. :)
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  7. #27
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    Default Re: Database Issues when Upgrading - Pease Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by sammirah View Post
    Ok, thanks. I have been using WinMerge on the individual files so far and that is working. I got it up and running so far, but I am testing each individual EZ-Page just in case.
    Yay Success!
    Last steps were:
    Using WinMerge compare and merge the following files:

    Upload the results and the EZ-Pages problems is done and the test site looks great!


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