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So the thing is. In the history of this thread, the statement has been made that the ZC 1.5.5 database was imported to the database accessed by ZC 1.5.6 and that after that, zc_install was used to upgrade the database...
It appears though that didn't happen, because 1 the table wasn't generated and 2, one of the fields that was to be added to an existing table didn't happen.
Now, there could be a number of reasons that perhaps it didn't happen; however, that information is expected to be in the zcInstall logs that should exist in the logs directory if all has been incorporated correctly.
Two ways come to mind to proceed, reupload the ZC 1.5.5 database to the ZC 1.5.6 site's database and do zc_install again and check the logs/attempt to access the test site.
Or go through the upgrade script you just used and one by one apply the changes in there. If you are doing so through the admin's tools->install sql patches, then the prefix is unnecessary. If doing it through phpmyadmin (or similar) then the database prefix needs to be applied/added to each table's name.