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  1. #241
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    Default Re: Ceon URI Mapping V5.0

    many thanks for the response mc12345678 - will upgrade to v5.1.0

  2. #242
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    Default Re: Ceon URI Mapping V5.0

    Is there a GitHub for this module? I've got edits that fix duplicated content on admin manufacturers edit, manufacturers new and copy product, plus styling fixes for the manufacturers page content as the current download of the module uses old table layouts on this page.

  3. #243
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    Default Re: Ceon URI Mapping V5.0

    Contact CEON support via the website.
    Steve BackupMySQL, Structured Data, Multiple Copy-Move-Delete, Google reCaptcha, Image Checker, Spanish Language Pack and more...

  4. #244
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    Default Re: Ceon URI Mapping V5.0

    Quote Originally Posted by torvista View Post
    Contact CEON support via the website.
    I've tried that twice in the past and got no response. I guess I'll just sit on the updates if there is no simple way to make them available to other users.

  5. #245
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    Default Re: Ceon URI Mapping V5.0

    v1.5.7b Ceon v 5.0.0

    Hi, looking for some assistance with this error and others associated with order history/ email functions being thrown continually almost by the minute all with the same
    PHP warning [--> PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant ENABLE_SSL - assumed 'ENABLE_SSL' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home2/accountname/public_html/admin/includes/classes/observers/class.CeonURIMappingLinkBuildAdmin.php on line 46.] - observers/class.CeonURIMappingLinkBuildAdmin.php is also pasted below.
    ... line 46 shows [if (ENABLE_SSL == 'true') { ] ....not sure if that needs to be changed to 'false' and what the implications may be?? Admin and Store configure files settings are set with HTTP server being HTTPS
    cheers, Mike

    [02-Jun-2022 17:01:19 Australia/Sydney] Request URI: /admin/index.php?cmd=orders&origin=index&page=1&oID=812&action=edit, IP address:
    #1  CeonURIMappingLinkBuildAdmin->updateNotifySEFUInterceptAdmcathref() called at [/home2/account name/public_html/includes/classes/class.base.php:118]
    #2  base->notify() called at [/home2/accountname/public_html/admin/includes/functions/html_output.php:71]
    #3  zen_catalog_href_link() called at [/home2/accountname/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php:19]
    #4  require(/home2/accountname/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php) called at [/home2/accountname/public_html/admin/orders.php:520]
    #5  require(/home2/accountname/public_html/admin/orders.php) called at [/home2/accountname/public_html/admin/index.php:11]
    --> PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant ENABLE_SSL - assumed 'ENABLE_SSL' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home2/accountname/public_html/admin/includes/classes/observers/class.CeonURIMappingLinkBuildAdmin.php on line 46.

     * Observer for Ceon URI Mapping link creation for admin-generated emails, BISN etc.
     * Watches html_output.php function zen_href_catalog_link
     * @package     ceon_uri_mapping
     * @author      Conor Kerr <[email protected]>
     * @author      torvista
     * @copyright   Copyright 2008-2019 Ceon
     * @copyright   Copyright 2003-2007 Zen Cart Development Team
     * @copyright   Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
     * @link
     * @license GNU Public License V2.0
     * @version     2016
    class CeonURIMappingLinkBuildAdmin extends base
    		public function __construct()
    				$this->attach($this, array('NOTIFY_SEFU_INTERCEPT_ADMCATHREF'));
    		public function updateNotifySEFUInterceptAdmcathref(&$callingClass, $notifier, $p1, &$link, $page, $parameters, $connection)//can use "update" or camelized notifier name. & required for &$link to modify it inside here
    				if (!isset($link) && !isset($page) && !isset($parameters) && !isset($connection) && !isset($_SESSION['NotifySEFUInterceptAdmcathref'])) {
    						trigger_error('System not updated to handle editable notifier parameters.  Need to properly update the operating system.  This message will not be repeated for this session.', E_USER_WARNING);
    						$_SESSION['NotifySEFUInterceptAdmcathref'] = false;
    				if (!defined('CEON_URI_MAPPING_ENABLED') || CEON_URI_MAPPING_ENABLED != 1 || isset($_SESSION['NotifySEFUInterceptAdmcathref'])) {
    				static $ceon_uri_mapping_href_link_builder;
    				if (!isset($ceon_uri_mapping_href_link_builder)) {
    						require_once(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'class.CeonURIMappingHREFLinkBuilder.php');
    						$ceon_uri_mapping_href_link_builder = new CeonURIMappingHREFLinkBuilder();
    				if ($connection == 'NONSSL') {
    						$link = HTTP_SERVER;
    				} elseif ($connection == 'SSL') {
    						if (ENABLE_SSL == 'true') {
    								$link = HTTPS_SERVER;
    						} else {
    								$link = HTTP_SERVER;
    				if ($ceon_uri_mapping_href_link_builder->buildHREFLink($link, $page, $parameters, $connection, false)) {
    						$link = $ceon_uri_mapping_href_link_builder->getHREFLink();
    				} else {
    						$link = null;
    		public function update(&$callingClass, $notifier, $p1, &$link = null, $page = null, $parameters = null, $connection = null)//can use "update" or camelized notifier name. & required for &$link to modify it inside here
    				if (!isset($link) && !isset($page) && !isset($parameters) && !isset($connection) && !isset($_SESSION['NotifySEFUInterceptAdmcathref'])) {
    						trigger_error('System not updated to handle editable notifier parameters.  Need to properly update the operating system.  This message will not be repeated for this session.', E_USER_WARNING);
    						$_SESSION['NotifySEFUInterceptAdmcathref'] = false;
    				if (!isset($_SESSION['NotifySEFUInterceptAdmcathref'])) {
    					$this->updateNotifySEFUInterceptAdmcathref($callingClass, $notifier, $p1, $link, $page, $parameters, $connection);

  6. #246
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    Default Re: Ceon URI Mapping V5.0

    You do not have the latest version of the files.
    The block with the error is now this
    PHP Code:
    if ($connection == 'NONSSL') {
                    } elseif (
    $connection == 'SSL') {
                            if (
    ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG == 'true') {
                            } else {
    Steve BackupMySQL, Structured Data, Multiple Copy-Move-Delete, Google reCaptcha, Image Checker, Spanish Language Pack and more...

  7. #247
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    Default Re: Ceon URI Mapping V5.0

    Quote Originally Posted by strelitzia View Post
    I've tried that twice in the past and got no response. I guess I'll just sit on the updates if there is no simple way to make them available to other users.
    I've had successful contact support via their website so worth trying again.

  8. #248
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    Default Re: Ceon URI Mapping V5.0

    v1.5.7d ceon v5

    I have recently built a new 1.5.7d site (treeoflifejewellery/newstore/dotcom) in a folder in the root of an existing v1.5.5f site (treeoflifejewellery.dotcom) - the intention is to develop that 1.5.7d and then change the website to that version.

    The issue i'm having is that on the newly built site (treeoflifejewellery/newstore/dotcom) when I try to navigate to a product or a category it is taking me back the the existing site (treeoflifejewellery.dotcom). If I disable Ceon then navigation within the new site is fine.

    The root has an access file with the Ceon rewrite instructions - to that I had to add RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/newstore/ [NC] for the home page of newstore to open (otherwise a 404). If I add a .htaccess file to the newstore folder with the rewrite rules specific to that site (from the installation check page in Ceon) (and no other content) I get the existing site (treeoflifejewellery.dotcom) home page open and not newstore.

    I assume the redirect issue will disappear when I replace the 'old' site with the new one as there won't be any conflicts however I would really like to prove the site first

    So I am definitely missing something but not sure what it is - any help would be appreciated.

    cheers, Mike

  9. #249
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    Default Re: Ceon URI Mapping V5.0

    Totally NOT a fan of "friendly" urls but, I would imagine it is looking at your two sites as one.

    Create a folder in your home directory called _test and put the site there. If you have cPanel, you can find instructions at

    That way, the "friendlies" will not get confused and the SEs will not ding you for duplicate product.

  10. #250
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    Default Re: Ceon URI Mapping V5.0

    Quote Originally Posted by shags38 View Post
    v1.5.7d ceon v5

    I have recently built a new 1.5.7d site (treeoflifejewellery/newstore/dotcom) in a folder in the root of an existing v1.5.5f site (treeoflifejewellery.dotcom) - the intention is to develop that 1.5.7d and then change the website to that version.

    The issue i'm having is that on the newly built site (treeoflifejewellery/newstore/dotcom) when I try to navigate to a product or a category it is taking me back the the existing site (treeoflifejewellery.dotcom). If I disable Ceon then navigation within the new site is fine.

    The root has an access file with the Ceon rewrite instructions - to that I had to add RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/newstore/ [NC] for the home page of newstore to open (otherwise a 404). If I add a .htaccess file to the newstore folder with the rewrite rules specific to that site (from the installation check page in Ceon) (and no other content) I get the existing site (treeoflifejewellery.dotcom) home page open and not newstore.

    I assume the redirect issue will disappear when I replace the 'old' site with the new one as there won't be any conflicts however I would really like to prove the site first

    So I am definitely missing something but not sure what it is - any help would be appreciated.

    cheers, Mike
    Well, there are those that I think will get at least a little chuckle out of *ME* saying this, but the above certainly is confusing. :)

    Couple of thoughts to put together:
    Your test site is a direct descendant of your live site.
    Your live site has a set of rules that says, if the requested path matches (agrees with or doesn't agree with) the specific entries, then basically access the main site.
    The module is effectively database driven. By copying the existing database to your test site, every existing link in that database is going to try to drive to the domain name of the site and whatever sub-directory associated with the database entry.
    The instruction associated with the rules generated by the module indicate that those rules are for the root directory of the domain. It also basically says that there are multiple ways to obtain the desired end result.
    The ideal method of "copying" an existing site to using this module is to establish a sub-domain (mytestsite.DOMAINNAME) that has the same sub-directory layout as your existing site. This is regardless of where that sub-site truly exists in relation to the main domain name.

    So, you have a couple of options and a couple of paths to take.

    My suggestion, besides placing this test site in maintenance mode, is to:
    1) modify the original domain .htaccess file so that the existing rules will omit using/referencing your sub-directory path.
    2) add the rules generated by the module *AFTER* your existing CEON URI rules.
    3) Ensure that you *do not* have an .htaccess in the root of your test site (e.g. remove the .htaccess that was described in the above post).
    4) BECAUSE THIS TEST SITE IS FOR VALIDATION PURPOSES AND IS NOT BEING USED TO CREATE NEW DATABASE RECORDS, update the database of your test site to concatenate the sub-directory path to the existing rewritten URI (meaning add the sub-directory path to the front) so that all of the URIs in the test site database point to some "tree" of your test site.

    Doing the above, would support your test site links point to/reference the "test site" and the pages referenced from there.

    Ideally, a sub-domain would be generated/used (updating the includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php files). If that sub-domain was still in the above sub-directories, then your live site would have to redirect operation to the sub-domain directory via rules *before* your existing CEON URI rules, and then the generated CEON URI rules (after applying the sub-domain) would be placed within the sub-directory/root of that test site and the CEON URIs would not need to be modified... E.g. Less steps, but same/similar result.

    After your test store has 1) received a copy of your live store database, and 2) been updated via zc_install, then
    Within admin->Tools->Install SQL Patches
    UPDATE ceon_uri_mapping SET uri = CONCAT('/newstore/dotcom', uri);
    Do this once and only once *ASSUMING* you have not *yet* generated any links from within your test store.... If you have, then the above query would need to be modified to exclude the existence of any uri that begins with '/newstore/dotcom'....
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
    Contribution for contributions welcome...


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