v1.5.5f PHP 7.1

I have utilized admin/modules/order_total/shipping to set free shipping over x$ order value - I want however to also offer Expedited Shipping at a set charge, i.e. free shipping is standard mail, expedited is something some shoppers will happily pay for so I need to offer it.

Q. How can I have the Expedited Shipping charge also show at checkout for orders that qualify for free shipping?

cheers, Mike

** In another site I have used modules/shipping/zone_rates to set a weight limit for free shipping for certain items (others at different weights are charged according to settings) ... and then I have cloned zone rates installed and changed zone_rates_2.php to reflect 'Expedited Shipping' and then added the cost in shipping/zone_rates_2. In this instance at checkout both the zone rate (set to free) and Expedited Shipping radio buttons show which gives the customer the option to pay for expedited shipping or not. I cannot use this method for this site due to different products/circumstances.

Seems that using order_total/shipping negates the option to use cloned zone rates for the purpose required.