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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
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    Default Problems with the look of pages

    Why does the pages show in txt-"mode" not html? Links as broken picture and blue.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Amersfoort, The Netherlands
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    Default Re: Problems with the look of pages

    Quote Originally Posted by kalastaja View Post
    Why does the pages show in txt-"mode" not html? Links as broken picture and blue.
    Really, that's all the info you give us?? You should know better

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
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    Default Re: Problems with the look of pages

    You're right, I should know better; So let me rethink and elaborate:

    Started finally to install ZenCart 1.5.6 and it went sort of ok - the admin section works well, graphics etc.
    However the shop did not start working properly - the text, links and stuff are there, but no "graphics".
    I did tweak the config's - admin is working, so something must be right!?
    The off-line environment I'm using is Xampp.
    Installing on a real site is not a problem, however I would like to have some proof-of-concept.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
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    Default Re: Problems with the look of pages

    The general issue is that css is not being accessed. This can be for a number of reasons:
    The css files are not present.
    The browser has cached some sort of access for "this" address and needs to be cleared or to be force reloaded (I think it is ctrl-F5 or perhaps shift-F5).
    There is a mix of https/http such that the css files are not loaded.
    There is a path configuration issue (includes/configure.php file is not correct or perhaps the includes/defined_paths.php is not correct or improperly overridden)
    There is a problem with the permissions/ownership with the css folder.

    With it installed locally, can provide the includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php files obscuring the DB_ related username, database, and password data to remain private.
    Can compare folder permissions and ownership of the css folder with another such as common or templates within the folder.
    Can share the source code from the page at/around the point where the css files are referenced and a few lines elsewhere that contain reference to template type links.
    There are probably other pieces of information that may be shared as well.
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
    Contribution for contributions welcome...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
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    Default Re: Problems with the look of pages

    The system is running on a Windows-system (file permissions...),
    and as I said the admin-side is running smoothly.
    I've set the http and https addresses to the same.
    Seems to be using responsive template and
    the loaded main page looks like follows:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html dir="ltr" lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce</title>
      <meta name="keywords" content="ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping, store " />
      <meta name="description" content="Zen Cart! :  - ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping, store" />
      <meta name="author" content="Venla" />
      <meta name="generator" content="shopping cart program by Zen Cart&reg;, eCommerce" />
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=yes"/>
      <base href="http://localhost/venla/index.php/" />
      <link rel="canonical" href="http://localhost/venla/index.php/" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/templates/responsive_classic/css/stylesheet.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/templates/responsive_classic/css/stylesheet_colors.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/templates/responsive_classic/css/stylesheet_css_buttons.css" />
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    <p class="biggerText">The template package uses PHP Mobile Detect to serve up the optimized layout based on device.  
        If you are on a Desktop and want to view the Tablet layout <a class="red" href="index.php?main_page=index&amp;layoutType=tablet">use this link.</a>  
        If you want to view the Mobile layout <a class="red" href="index.php?main_page=index&amp;layoutType=mobile">use this link.</a>  
        To switch back to a Desktop <a class="red" href="index.php?main_page=index&amp;layoutType=default">use this link.</a></p>
    <p>This content is located in the file at: <code> /languages/english/html_includes/YOUR_TEMPLATE/define_main_page.php</code></p>
    <p>You can quickly edit this content via Admin->Tools->Define Pages Editor, and select define_main_page from the pulldown.</p>
    <p><strong>NOTE: Always backup the files in<code> /languages/english/html_includes/your_template</code></strong></p>
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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR