Quote Originally Posted by barco57 View Post
It is set right in the begginging of the stylesheet.css line 12
body {margin:0;font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:72.5%;line-height:140%;}
Bootstrap sets it to 1em which basically sets base font-size to the browser default. So just change the font-size to what you need it to be. All of the fonts on the site that use em/rem will scale off of that base size, so start there.

@dbltoe I wasn't suggesting for it to be set to 62.5% I was explaining why it was probably set to what it was.

Yeh I know about line 12 but what you posted earlier about line 12 adjusted the the base font size. where is the base font size that gets multiplied by 72.5. Changing 72.5 has adverse effects on other places like the search box for example, and others.