Zencart 1.56c
Yourstore Template
PHP 7.2
Yesterday I spent a lot of time installing the AMAZON PAY (for European stores) plugin. It wasn't until I had installed the module, and did a sandbox test that I discovered the plugin is for UK, DE, FR, etc. stores. I was able to do a successful test with my US amazon pay account but since the "pay region" doesn't include the US I did search on this forum and found it is not US compliant. I would think anyone using it would be charged international exchange rates if they used the plugin.
Anyway my reason for posting is to suggest:
Is it possible someone can change the wording of the plugin's name to say it's for just UK, DE, FR, etc. so others not in those regions will not waste time trying to install it. Neither the name of the plugin nor the description says anything about being for just certain regions.
Thank you