zc 156c
PHP 7.2.29

Below is the code in the tpl_modules_mobile_menu.php which inserts the category heading called Categories when you click the Hamburger lines.
My site happens to list 7 displayed under this Category list as being called from the code below.
What I am wanted to accomplish is to pull out just one category within this list to display right underneath the heading Categories.
The Catalog/Products ID is 17 for this Video Tutorials category

Categories 7 >
Video Tutorials
New Products...
Featured Products...
All Products...
Information 8 >

How is this code written?

<li><span><?php echo BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES; ?></span>
  // load the UL-generator class and produce the menu list dynamically from there
   require_once (DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'categories_ul_generator.php');
$zen_CategoriesUL = new zen_categories_ul_generator;
$menulist = $zen_CategoriesUL->buildTree(true);
$menulist = str_replace('"level4"','"level5"',$menulist);
$menulist = str_replace('"level3"','"level4"',$menulist);
$menulist = str_replace('"level2"','"level3"',$menulist);
$menulist = str_replace('"level1"','"level2"',$menulist);
$menulist = str_replace('<li>','<li>',$menulist);
$menulist = str_replace("</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n","</li>\n</ul>\n",$menulist);
echo $menulist;