v2.3.1 submitted for approval.
reminder that php 7.0 is required for this version.
if your server is running less than php7.0, time to upgrade!
addresses fixes documented in thread above including mysql strict mode fixes for date fields. also continues code cleanup...
Again, thanks for this great plug-in. There are a few minor (really minor) items that i would like to tweak for our application and i offer these up in case others agree or if you care to make it part of the vanilla plug-in.
1. The dialog box that pops up to "Get the money!" is just a bit small. On our layout, we have to enlarge it to get to the Submit/ Cancel buttons. I'm not sure how to do that, but it would be a convenience to not have to resize it each time.
2. Might be nice if the customer's account page would have a button where they could delete their card information, if it had been previously stored. Not a big deal, as they can contact us and its easy for us to do. Just a thought.
3. [Even more minor]: Until the money has been captured, it might be more intuitive to have the first button read "Void" and not "Refund." once Captured, then "Refund" would show. Slightly misleading to think i can refund when actually it has not yet been captured.
Again, minor points on a effective and complex plug-in. I bought you some cake and hope others do as well. Thank you.![]()
all good points. allow me to respond:
1. i agree. if you go this file and line:
and change the part that says height=280 to height=480, does that fix your issue?
2. customer maintenance of credit cards... did you install the card_update page? it seems a customer can delete cards from here:
those files are here:
as is stated here:
one needs to update tpl_account_default.php to add a link to the card update.
3. this is trickier. if i were to make a determination as to what to say on that button, i think the implication is that info is correct. so void pre-capture; and refund post-capture. hmmmm.... if you were to capture a transaction, and right afterwards attempt to refund it, a void window comes up. why is that? because once you hit the refund button, i am then making a call to auth.net to see what status the transaction is in. i do not remember the exact terminology, but lets call it settled for arguments sake... so we have auth -> capture -> settlement. the settlement happens automatically, but there are captured transactions that can ONLY be voided as they have not settled. once settled, they can ONLY be refunded. so changing the terminology based on the conditional you describe does not give you exact results. if we wanted exact results we could contact auth.net each time we go onto an orders detail page, but that to me is a waste of bandwidth as well as the admin's time.
in addition, voiding an authorization is something i have implemented, but its not necessarily something that has happened. auths put holds on funds, voiding an auth makes a request to the issuing bank to release said auth. the issuing bank may or may not chose to do so.
so as you say, i think this is a very minor issue, and one that i plan to leave well enough alone.... for now...
glad you like it!
let me know about option 1. i'll have that queued up for next release if it works for you.
Wow. That's great Carl.
#1. Found that 'height = 380' was perfect for our template. Thanks for showing me where to do that.
#2 Those two files were uploaded, but did not find the actual edit required to add the call:Sorry, but I'm not seeing the specific language needed (and I'm not smart enough to come up with it myself). Is it in the readme?one needs to update tpl_account_default.php to add a link to the card update.
#3 Good points. I understand and agree its not worth the trouble.
Thank you!
if you go into includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_account_default.php and look for something like below and make the change.
hope that helps!PHP Code:
<li><?php echo ' <a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT_EDIT, '', 'SSL') . '">' . MY_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION . '</a>'; ?></li>
<li><?php echo ' <a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_ADDRESS_BOOK, '', 'SSL') . '">' . MY_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_BOOK . '</a>'; ?></li>
<li><?php echo ' <a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, '', 'SSL') . '">' . MY_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD . '</a>'; ?></li>
<li><?php echo ' <a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT_EDIT, '', 'SSL') . '">' . MY_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION . '</a>'; ?></li>
<li><?php echo ' <a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_ADDRESS_BOOK, '', 'SSL') . '">' . MY_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_BOOK . '</a>'; ?></li>
<li><?php echo ' <a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, '', 'SSL') . '">' . MY_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD . '</a>'; ?></li>
<li><?php echo ' <a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_CARD_UPDATE, '', 'SSL') . '">Update My Credit Card(s)</a>'; ?></li>
Thank you Carlwhat.
Had something interesting happen today. Customer called asking us to place the online order for her, which I did. Upon her request to not store her card, i unchecked the 'save my card.'
Later, I happened to be in authorize.net CIM for another customer and noticed the call-in customer's name. Sure enough, it had saved her card even though I definitely had unchecked the box. I then logged into the customer's account on our website, to delete the card and it shows the customer 'you have no cards on file.'
I then repeated this using my own card with a new order on my online account. Again, the card was saved to CIM (despite my request) and showed 'no card' on my customer account card_update page.
I'm not sure where to look/ what to do to address this.
to actually delete the customers card, you need to do it from the admin.
doing it on the customers side removes it from them seeing it.
from the admin, if there is a delete button for the customers card, that means there are still cards on file; although some may not be visible to the customer.
hope that helps.
Okay... that's good for me to understand. It seems a bit misleading to the customer. If it were me, I would expect that I truly deleted the card from existence with this vendor/ website.
Any thoughts or advice on the other issue: where the card is being stored despite the customer unchecking the "save this card" checkbox?
This is a complex plug-in. Amazing how well it works with Authorize CIM.