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  1. #21
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    Default Re: API with Card on File transactions support thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by RixStix View Post

    I didn't expect the error to change.
    oh, yee of little faith...

    on the admin -> modules -> payment -> install, do you have the request CVV set to true or false? if set to false, you need to set it to true.

    few things:

    • first bug, appreciate the help
    • remove line 956 that has that trigger error command; we no longer need that line. leave the other line changed as is.
    • you will now need to delete that stored credit card as it did not have a code when we stored it. this is easily accomplished on the admin side by looking up the customer and you should see a button for delete stored credit cards. execute that. you should get a pop-up confirm window.
    • then try the order again.
    author of square Webpay.
    mxWorks now has Apple Pay and Google Pay. donations: venmo or paypal accepted.
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  2. #22
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    Default Re: API with Card on File transactions support thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by carlwhat View Post
    oh, yee of little faith...

    on the admin -> modules -> payment -> install, do you have the request CVV set to true or false? if set to false, you need to set it to true.

    few things:

    • first bug, appreciate the help
    • remove line 956 that has that trigger error command; we no longer need that line. leave the other line changed as is.
    • you will now need to delete that stored credit card as it did not have a code when we stored it. this is easily accomplished on the admin side by looking up the customer and you should see a button for delete stored credit cards. execute that. you should get a pop-up confirm window.
    • then try the order again.
    request CVV was already set to TRUE
    line 956 removed
    credit card deleted (worked perfectly)

    ERROR 33 displayed on checkout window
    Option for Stored Credit Card is now added to the top of the payment choices (I forgot to uncheck the "Keep Card on file" box)

    Resubmit after checking the Stored Credit Card selection
    OPC alarm: Your order's details have changed. Please review the current values and re-submit.
    Resubmit & ERROR 33

    [27-Apr-2020 13:46:34 America/Los_Angeles] Request URI: /index.php?main_page=checkout_process, IP address:
    #1  trigger_error() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php:956]
    #2  authorizenet_cim->chargeCustomerProfile() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php:325]
    #3  authorizenet_cim->before_process() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php:246]
    #4  payment->before_process() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/checkout_process.php:92]
    #5  require(/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/checkout_process.php) called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/pages/checkout_process/header_php.php:14]
    #6  require(/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/pages/checkout_process/header_php.php) called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/index.php:36]
    --> PHP Notice: 27.0339 in /home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php on line 956.
    [27-Apr-2020 13:46:34 America/Los_Angeles] Request URI: /index.php?main_page=checkout_process, IP address:
    #1  trigger_error() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php:447]
    #2  authorizenet_cim->logError() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php:1023]
    #3  authorizenet_cim->chargeCustomerProfile() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php:325]
    #4  authorizenet_cim->before_process() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php:246]
    #5  payment->before_process() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/checkout_process.php:92]
    #6  require(/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/checkout_process.php) called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/pages/checkout_process/header_php.php:14]
    #7  require(/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/pages/checkout_process/header_php.php) called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/index.php:36]
    --> PHP Notice: Transaction Failed 
     Error code  : 33
     Error message : Card Code is required.
     in /home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php on line 447.
    RixStix (dot) com
    aka: ChainWeavers (dot) com

  3. #23
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    Default Re: API with Card on File transactions support thread...

    this is the same log as the one above. you can see it based on the timestamp. and the order total of 27.0339. that problem was corrected with the code and if you removed line 956, we should not see that notice in the middle of the log.

    i'm not exactly sure what you are seeing now. it might behove you to logout and log back in. the error 33 is related to the 3 digit codes that look to be required (although not in the sandbox environment). so make sure that is set to true. and make sure to input a new card.
    author of square Webpay.
    mxWorks now has Apple Pay and Google Pay. donations: venmo or paypal accepted.
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  4. #24
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    Default Re: API with Card on File transactions support thread...

    OOPS. Log folder scrolled on me.
    I know the CVV is either 3 or 4 digit code
    Tried Visa and MC

    [27-Apr-2020 14:24:58 America/Los_Angeles] Request URI: /index.php?main_page=checkout_process, IP address:
    #1  trigger_error() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php:447]
    #2  authorizenet_cim->logError() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php:1022]
    #3  authorizenet_cim->chargeCustomerProfile() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cof.php:143]
    #4  authorizenet_cof->before_process() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php:246]
    #5  payment->before_process() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/checkout_process.php:92]
    #6  require(/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/checkout_process.php) called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/pages/checkout_process/header_php.php:14]
    #7  require(/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/pages/checkout_process/header_php.php) called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/index.php:36]
    --> PHP Notice: Transaction Failed 
     Error code  : 33
     Error message : Card Code is required.
     in /home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php on line 447.
    RixStix (dot) com
    aka: ChainWeavers (dot) com

  5. #25
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    Default Re: API with Card on File transactions support thread...

    FWIW, emailed a receipt for the last test.

    Am I missing a switch? Set Production and livemode in settings.

    Email sounds like this is sandbox not production.
    Auth only, not auth and capture
    ========= ORDER INFORMATION =========
    Invoice : none
    Description : Test transaction for ValidateCustomerPaymentProfile.
    Amount : 0.00 (USD)
    Payment Method: Visa xxxx0076
    Transaction Type: Authorization Only
    RixStix (dot) com
    aka: ChainWeavers (dot) com

  6. #26
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    Default Re: API with Card on File transactions support thread...

    Nope. LIVE

    All test transactions are showing VOIDED in Unsettled list in interface
    Last edited by RixStix; 27 Apr 2020 at 11:00 PM. Reason: Setting is LIVE
    RixStix (dot) com
    aka: ChainWeavers (dot) com

  7. #27
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    Default Re: API with Card on File transactions support thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by RixStix View Post
    OOPS. Log folder scrolled on me.
    I know the CVV is either 3 or 4 digit code
    Tried Visa and MC

    [27-Apr-2020 14:24:58 America/Los_Angeles] Request URI: /index.php?main_page=checkout_process, IP address:
    #1  trigger_error() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php:447]
    #2  authorizenet_cim->logError() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php:1022]
    #3  authorizenet_cim->chargeCustomerProfile() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cof.php:143]
    #4  authorizenet_cof->before_process() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php:246]
    #5  payment->before_process() called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/checkout_process.php:92]
    #6  require(/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/checkout_process.php) called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/pages/checkout_process/header_php.php:14]
    #7  require(/home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/pages/checkout_process/header_php.php) called at [/home/chainwea/public_html/index.php:36]
    --> PHP Notice: Transaction Failed 
     Error code  : 33
     Error message : Card Code is required.
     in /home/chainwea/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_cim.php on line 447.
    lets go over a few things.

    • will respect the production v test/sandbox credentials. they go to different end points.
    • those successful transactions that you see are the creation of a token at authorize. i believe they used to a $1 auth; but now they do a $0 auth.
    • its possible they will void those transactions as they are just testing to see if the card is good.
    • they will not void a live transaction unless instructed by the merchant, aka you.
    • if you successfully charged any card, you would have a completed order and a payment record, and some order notes... assuming we do not see mysql errors, which is always possible.
    • you keep on getting this error 33 card code is required. i had previously asked you to delete the stored credit cards; ensure that the cvv code is set to true, and then try again.
    • the error log i am quoting here would indicate that is not the case. we have yet to have an order go through? true? but we have stored some credit cards. this log here comes from the card on file transaction. you can see that on line #3 in the log, where the script it references is authorizenet_cof.php. that's the card on file script.
    • i have researched the chargeCustomerProfile, and there is no opportunity to send the CVV there. it can only be done with the createProfile (save a credit card) transaction.
    • if you are sure you saved this credit card with the CVV number intact, which is what i would recommend, you should login to, and Click Settings in the main left side menu -> Click Payment Form -> Click Form Fields -> Uncheck the field provided in the Error 33 text. -> Click Submit
    • that is documented right here:
    • it is entirely possible that setting on your merchant dashboard is what is causing the problem.

    lets see if that resolves it all!

    author of square Webpay.
    mxWorks now has Apple Pay and Google Pay. donations: venmo or paypal accepted.
    premium consistent excellent support. available for hire.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: API with Card on File transactions support thread...

    See RED replies

    Quote Originally Posted by carlwhat View Post
    lets go over a few things.

    • will respect the production v test/sandbox credentials. they go to different end points. I copy/pasted credentials from AIM and SIM
    • those successful transactions that you see are the creation of a token at authorize. i believe they used to a $1 auth; but now they do a $0 auth.
    • its possible they will void those transactions as they are just testing to see if the card is good.
    • they will not void a live transaction unless instructed by the merchant, aka you.
    • if you successfully charged any card, you would have a completed order and a payment record, and some order notes... assuming we do not see mysql errors, which is always possible.
    • you keep on getting this error 33 card code is required. i had previously asked you to delete the stored credit cards; ensure that the cvv code is set to true, and then try again. Did that. When I go through checkout, there is no saved card. Checkout: Error: but now there is a saved card option.
    • the error log i am quoting here would indicate that is not the case. we have yet to have an order go through? true? but we have stored some credit cards. this log here comes from the card on file transaction. you can see that on line #3 in the log, where the script it references is authorizenet_cof.php. that's the card on file script.
    • i have researched the chargeCustomerProfile, and there is no opportunity to send the CVV there. it can only be done with the createProfile (save a credit card) transaction.
    • if you are sure you saved this credit card with the CVV number intact, which is what i would recommend, you should login to, and Click Settings in the main left side menu -> Click Payment Form -> Click Form Fields -> Uncheck the field provided in the Error 33 text. -> Click Submit Pretty sure I tried checkout with the "SAVE" box unchecked and checked but cannot say definitively. Will retry after removing saved card data
    • that is documented right here:
    • it is entirely possible that setting on your merchant dashboard is what is causing the problem. Yes, CardCode is checked as REQUIRED. Why would I uncheck the field so that it is not required? Doesn't make sense to me but I will try that in a bit. I am getting the call for Suppertime duties.

    lets see if that resolves it all!

    RixStix (dot) com
    aka: ChainWeavers (dot) com

  9. #29
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    Default Re: API with Card on File transactions support thread...

    Success. THANK YOU.

    I learned something today. Not sure exactly what I learned but I do know that I learned something.

    Unchecked the box within the account. My logic says the checkbox to require CVV means to always require a CVV and uncheck says (to me), don't require CVV. But who am I but some peon user that has had that account setting for the past 10 years.

    Checkout #1 successful (unchecked the SaveCCinfo box in the OPC screen)
    Checkout #2 successful (checked the SaveCCinfo box in the OPC screen)
    Checkout #3 successful with OPC warning regarding settings changed, try again. That was checkout using saved card. The OPC warning does raise flags with customers checking out as we experienced last weekend. Just submit a 2nd time without changing anything and checkout #3 successful.
    Checkout #4 successful using Amex with 4 digit CVV and save card.
    Checkout #5 successful using "Use Saved Card" and was presented a selection of saved cards.

    Refund/VOIDs from within ZC admin all successful.

    RixStix (dot) com
    aka: ChainWeavers (dot) com

  10. #30
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    Default Re: API with Card on File transactions support thread...

    i have verified this error, as well as the solution.

    Name:  Screenshot from 2020-04-27 17-45-35.jpg
Views: 675
Size:  16.9 KB

    storing cvv is not allowed per PCI-DSS.

    if you require the card code as indicated above on your merchant dashboard, you will require the customer to re-enter the CVV number for a stored credit card transaction. currently i am not sending it when charging a customer profile which is why we were receiving the error in the first place.

    right now, i have NOT allowed stored credit cards to require a CVV number, but i will add a configuration switch for it. i will have to make a few code changes.

    removing that item on your dashboard will resolve the error.

    everything that you have stated in red above all makes sense to me.

    i'll have some new code for you soon. but turning that switch off at the bottom of the form on the auth merchant dashboard should resolve this error.... for now.

    author of square Webpay.
    mxWorks now has Apple Pay and Google Pay. donations: venmo or paypal accepted.
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