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  1. #1

    Default Upgrading 1.39d --> 1.57 Yikes! Upgrade or new Install? Also update PHP & MySql

    crochetgarden (dot) com
    Currently I have Version 1.39d
    Mods: PayPal payment module added
    Plugin: Monthly Sales (thats it)
    Server version: 5.6.41 - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
    Database client version: libmysql - 5.1.73
    phpMyAdmin Version information: 4.8.3

    So, over a year ago I planned to upgrade to 1.5X, but that never happened. But I really need to update now. I am now unsure which is the best way to go, since I now also will be upgrading my PhpBB forum, as it is outdated as well, and now added in is updating all the mysql and PHP... yikes. I have not done anything in I do not know how many years so I am super rusty, coupled with me not knowing hardly anything to begin with! That said, I am not sure if it is now better for me to try and upgrade, or a fresh install with all these added complications?

    As for what I have.. I do vaguely remember having some folders named CUSTOM in some folders... Back when I was a little more versed and researching. But I have since forgotten so much :) The only mods being Monthly Sales (which I definitely need or something similar) as well as a paypal module. So far, I have done the homework of figuring out what each latest version will require, and then talking to my host of what is best or available.

    Zen Cart Requirements:
    PHP Version (future versions including v1.5.8 will require PHP 7.3+)
    Using the latest version of Zen Cart is always recommended for maximum compatibility.
    Zen Cart v1.5.7 is designed for PHP 5.6 through PHP 7.4
    PHP Modules used by Zen Cart
    Zen Cart requires a few PHP modules enabled: curl, mysqli, zlib. (v1.5.8 will require pdo)
    Optional modules: gd and mb_xxxxx.
    PHP Memory Recommendations
    memory_limit suggested: 128M or higher such as 256M or 512M if your server can handle it.
    post_max_size and upload_max_filesize should be set to whatever max file size you or your customers may upload. Usually 8M is sufficient for most sites, but if you’re accepting huge uploads, set both to the max size of accepted combined uploads.

    MySQL Version (future versions including v1.5.8 will require MySQL 5.7.8+ or MariaDB 10.2.7+)
    Zen Cart v1.5.7 expects MySQL 5.1 to 8.0, or MariaDB 10.1 to 10.4
    Apache Zen Cart works primarily with Apache 2.4 or 2.2

    PhpBB Version 3.3 Requirements:

    A webserver or web hosting account running on any major Operating System with support for PHP
    A SQL database system, one of:
    MySQL 4.1.3 or above (MySQLi required)
    MariaDB 5.1 or above
    MS SQL Server 2000 or above (via ODBC or the native adapter)
    PostgreSQL 8.3+
    SQLite 3.6.15+
    PHP 7.1.3+ with support for the database you intend to use.
    getimagesize() function enabled
    The following PHP modules are required:
    XML support
    Corresponding PHP module for the database system you intend to use
    The following PHP modules are optional, but will provide access to additional features.
    zlib Compression support
    Remote FTP Support
    GD Support
    After talking to my host.. Here was his reply:


    We can do the version updates for you, so don't worry about those. I just need to know which versions of software you need. In EA4 we can install multiple php versions so it sounds to me like upgrading to the following setup would work well for you. Also don't worry the full cpanel backup, puts the databases in it, if it was a cpanel backup that you made you should be all set.

    Install the following:
    Apache 2.4
    PHP 7.2 and 7.4
    Php modules needed in both: json, getimagesize() function must be enabled, zlib Compression support, FTP, gd, curl, mysqli, and MB_*.
    Mysql version: 5.7 (8.0 is still new and potentially buggy) Also keep in mind changing mysql is a server wide change, so make sure your other sites will work with this version.

    If the above settings will work for you please let us know, and we can either schedule a time for the updates or start when you would like us to.

    Thank you,
    So it looks like it would be best to go with 7.4, since 7.2 would only work on the zen cart and not on the forum. The suggestion of mySQL 5.7 will work it seems (forum will require 4.13 and above while zen cart will require 5.1 to 8.0 so lets forgo 8.0 if it is buggy- less headache the better!!).

    So now I have to figure out how the best way to execute these new versions.. And does my host make all these changes before or after?
    I am a little overwhelmed and not sure where to start or go from here since I am running such old versions!

    Help me Zen Cart Community- you're my only hope!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    N of San Antonio TX
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    Default Re: Upgrading 1.39d --> 1.57 Yikes! Upgrade or new Install? Also update PHP & MySql

    I'm concerned about the probability of proper support from your host if you are still operating at Normally, if you had cPanel, I would point you to and recommend a fresh installation.

    NOTE: Always backup and understand that some terminology may be different with your host. Check with your host or the forum if you hit a snag.

    The information there will not work for an upgrade of this many versions and allow your old site to continue to run.

    If you are fortunate enough to have cPanel and MultiPHP Manager, you can easily run your old shop and start over with the new in a test mode.

    Again, if you have cPanel, you would need to adjust the directions just a bit. You need to create the folder "above the root". If your store is at /whatever/public_html, you would click on Up One Level in File Manager and load the zip to whatever/ versus whatever/public_html. I would also rename the folder that the zip creates to _test. The underscore serves several purposes but, mainly, you can see it quicker and make sure you're in the right place when making additions or changes.

    Again with cPanel, create a subdomain called "test" (no need for the underscore). Assign the test subdomain to the _test folder.

    Use MultiPHP Manager to assign PHP 7.2 or higher to the subdomain.

    Create a database for this installation.

    Browse to and install Zen Cart.

    You now have a working test site in the proper setting (PHP, mySQL, etc. and your older site is still going.

    Next is to bring in the old database. Cross your fingers on this as the jump is a big one. It may take a couple of steps or have some glitches. It won't affect your main store and the forum will be here to help.

    Once you've got the database in place, start considering the mods you REALLY need to start selling. Loading those to the test site can get you to a selling posture quickly. When you meet the minimums to show, sell, and ship product, copy the test site to your root and takeover for the older site. (If you have the ability to make another database, it helps to have one for the new shop and one for the test subdomain. Otherwise, things CAN go bump in the night.

    IF you need other mods than the minimums, you still have the _test folder and test subdomain to test to your heart's content.

    I know it may sound daunting but, it's not "rocket surgery" You just need to have cPanel and the various cPanel options to perform the tasks. NOTE: Other systems like Plesk may perform the same functions, just under a different name. If you don't have cPanel, check with your host as how your control panel can do what you need. Who knows, they may just do it for you.

    The beauty of the whole process is the lack of pressure. As long as your older site doesn't crash from a host's PHP upgrade or some other event, you can take your time and get it right before you throw it to the customers.

    I should point out that the premise of "get it right" varies wildly from store owner to store owner. I try to start with the minimum show, sell, ship and worry about the bells and whistles later.

    Knit one, pearl two, par three! So simple.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Upgrading 1.39d --> 1.57 Yikes! Upgrade or new Install? Also update PHP & MySql

    I am going to reread this a few times. But! :)

    I'm concerned about the probability of proper support from your host if you are still operating at Normally, if you had cPanel, I would point you to and recommend a fresh installation.
    1) My host was changed a few times (not me, but them being purchased by someone else).. and at some point there was an upgrade, not sure to what, but my store and forum did not work- so they dialed it back. Sorry I cannot remember the details. When I go into my Cpanel and navigate to PHPMyAdmin, this is what it says:

    Web server
    Database client version: libmysql - 5.1.73
    PHP extension: mysqliDocumentation curlDocumentation mbstringDocumentation
    PHP version: 7.2.7
    Version information: 4.8.3

    2). My store was intitially installed 2008, so! That is what is running, along with all the updates.
    3) I do have CPanel access! So this sounds like a super plus.
    4) What all exactly would need to be changed for things to work? I am a little confused (again, this is most definitely me).. But reading the requirements for zen cart 1.57 and phpBB3.3, in what my host said they can change, which parts are wrong and would not work? Oh wait, I think I understand.. You are saying only if I were to try and upgrade from what I have rather than doing a fresh new install. So, my question is, would all those parameters work for the new fresh install (below)

    Install the following:
    Apache 2.4
    PHP 7.2 and 7.4
    Php modules needed in both: json, getimagesize() function must be enabled, zlib Compression support, FTP, gd, curl, mysqli, and MB_*.
    Mysql version: 5.7 (8.0 is still new and potentially buggy) Also keep in mind changing mysql is a server wide change, so make sure your other sites will work with this version.

    If the above settings will work for you please let us know, and we can either schedule a time for the updates or start when you would like us to.
    If these would work, do I have them do this after or before I make the test site?

    If you are fortunate enough to have cPanel and MultiPHP Manager, you can easily run your old shop and start over with the new in a test
    YES- I do have Cpanel! I LOVE this idea.. and everything you have written!
    My question is though if the new shop is not compatible with my current PHP, how will I test it? Or do I need the PHP upgraded first? I am sure I am missing something simple...!
    Last edited by Elarya; 30 Jul 2020 at 07:53 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Upgrading 1.39d --> 1.57 Yikes! Upgrade or new Install? Also update PHP & MySql

    So after reading a few more times... in addition to my post aboce.. it seems since I have CPanel access, I have 2 ways to do this. You state if I had it you would suggest these instructions:

    Should I follow those, or the alternative of what you say to create a shop in one step above the root?

    Slowly getting it... As you say...:
    Quote Originally Posted by dbltoe View Post

    Knit one, pearl two, par three! So simple.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    N of San Antonio TX
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    Default Re: Upgrading 1.39d --> 1.57 Yikes! Upgrade or new Install? Also update PHP & MySql

    I'm saying you need to upload the latest zip file ABOVE the root, extract the zip and rename folder to _test.

    Create a subdomain of and a new database for that site.

    Doing so will allow you or, preferably, your host to set the subdomain to the newest PHP, mySQL, etc. while leaving the current site ALONE so it can still bring in revenue.

    There is no way you can put the two in the root and get them to work. If you did and maintained the current settings, the new installation would crash. If you upped the root to the newer settings, your current shop will definitely fail.

    Try relaying the first three sentences to your host.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Upgrading 1.39d --> 1.57 Yikes! Upgrade or new Install? Also update PHP & MySql

    I feel like a dunce!

    Silly me, I am not sure why I did not absorb all this on the first read though... I get it now, my bad
    Basically.. I need to ask my host to make a subdomain with the new parameters (updated PHP 7.4 etc) So that I can test out the store there, while the live store resides at the root running live on the old parameters...!

    Sometimes I need another cup of coffee.

    Other times I need a gallon.



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