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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Sydney Australia
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    Idea or Suggestion PayPal Express Checkout issue

    Hi All,

    I have been using PayPal Express Check for a few years now and just recently after installing the new version of OZ post module it appears to have caused an issue (unable to confirm this).

    In the past when a customer calls on the phone we process the order after creating an account and after we press the confirm order we are taken to the PayPal website and click pay by credit card.

    In the past the customer details were automatically filled in and we only had to place the credit card details in and then press pay.

    What is happening now is that we have to fill in the customer details Name, address, state, postcode. Note it is filling in the customers email address and phone number and that is all.

    Any help would be appreciated because having to fill in the customer details is slowing us down and keeping us on the phone longer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout issue

    This one is driving me up a wall. I have dropped the tables for PayPal in the DB and added the 1.5.7 ones fresh, I have tried reinstalling all of the API data, but the PayPal Express payments are going through without error. I am getting stuck after the checkout on a page that won't redirect back to the website. The error confirms that I believe it is a file causing the issue:

    Any suggestions or hacks are appreciated:
    [01-Sep-2020 23:55:27 America/New_York] Request URI: /index.php?main_page=checkout_process, IP address:
    #1  trigger_error() called at [/chroot/home/diplomas/]
    #2  queryFactory->show_error() called at [/chroot/home/diplomas/]
    #3  queryFactory->set_error() called at [/chroot/home/diplomas/]
    #4  queryFactory->Execute() called at [/chroot/home/diplomas/]
    #5  zen_db_perform() called at [/chroot/home/diplomas/]
    #6  paypalwpp->after_process() called at [/chroot/home/diplomas/]
    #7  payment->after_process() called at [/chroot/home/diplomas/]
    #8  require(/chroot/home/diplomas/ called at [/chroot/home/diplomas/]
    --> PHP Fatal error: 1265:Data truncated for column 'settle_amount' at row 1 :: INSERT INTO zen_paypal (order_id, txn_type, module_name, module_mode, reason_code, payment_type, payment_status, pending_reason, invoice, first_name, last_name, payer_business_name, address_name, address_street, address_city, address_state, address_zip, address_country, address_status, payer_email, payer_id, payer_status, payment_date, business, receiver_email, receiver_id, txn_id, parent_txn_id, num_cart_items, mc_gross, mc_fee, mc_currency, settle_amount, settle_currency, exchange_rate, notify_version, verify_sign, date_added, memo) VALUES ('1628', 'cart', 'paypalwpp', 'PayPal', 'None', 'PayPal Express Checkout (instant)', 'Completed', 'None', 'EC-9YH19350A02500547', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'verified', '2020-09-02 03:55:26', '', '', '', '9B875190NN094714B', '', '1', '18.99', '0.85', 'USD', '18.99 USD', 'USD', '1', '0', '', now(), '{Record generated by payment module}') ==> (as called by) /chroot/home/diplomas/ on line 44 <== in /chroot/home/diplomas/ on line 170.
    Just upgraded from 1.5.0 to 1.5.7. Installed the Sheffield Blue template, running php 5.6.4 due to Sheffield age.

    Also, Payments Pro works fine. Express is the issue.
    Last edited by jeskremer; 2 Sep 2020 at 05:03 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout issue

    Find the following code block in /includes/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php, starting at line 503 for the zc157 version:
        // store the PayPal order meta data -- used for later matching and back-end processing activities
        $paypal_order = array('order_id' => $insert_id,
                              'txn_type' => $this->transactiontype,
                              'module_name' => $this->code,
                              'module_mode' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_MODULE_MODE,
                              'reason_code' => $this->reasoncode,
                              'payment_type' => $this->payment_type,
                              'payment_status' => $this->payment_status,
                              'pending_reason' => $this->pendingreason,
                              'invoice' => urldecode($_SESSION['paypal_ec_token'] . (isset($this->responsedata['PPREF']) ? $this->responsedata['PPREF'] : '')),
                              'first_name' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['payer_firstname'],
                              'last_name' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['payer_lastname'],
                              'payer_business_name' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['payer_business'],
                              'address_name' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_name'],
                              'address_street' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_street_1'],
                              'address_city' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_city'],
                              'address_state' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_state'],
                              'address_zip' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_postal_code'],
                              'address_country' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_country_name'],
                              'address_status' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_address_status'],
                              'payer_email' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['payer_email'],
                              'payer_id' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_id'],
                              'payer_status' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['payer_status'],
                              'payment_date' => trim(preg_replace('/[^0-9-:]/', ' ', $this->payment_time)),
                              'business' => '',
                              'receiver_email' => (substr(MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_MODULE_MODE,0,7) == 'Payflow' ? MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_PFVENDOR : str_replace('_api1', '', MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_APIUSERNAME)),
                              'receiver_id' => '',
                              'txn_id' => $this->transaction_id,
                              'parent_txn_id' => '',
                              'num_cart_items' => (float)$this->numitems,
                              'mc_gross' => (float)$this->amt,
                              'mc_fee' => (float)urldecode($this->feeamt),
                              'mc_currency' => $this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_CURRENCYCODE'],
                              'settle_amount' => (float)(isset($this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_SETTLEAMT'])) ? $this->urldecode($this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_SETTLEAMT']) : $this->amt,
                              'settle_currency' => $this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_CURRENCYCODE'],
                              'exchange_rate' => (isset($this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_EXCHANGERATE']) && urldecode($this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_EXCHANGERATE']) > 0) ? urldecode($this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_EXCHANGERATE']) : 1.0,
                              'notify_version' => '0',
                              'verify_sign' =>'',
                              'date_added' => 'now()',
                              'memo' => (sizeof($this->fmfErrors) > 0 ? 'FMF Details ' . print_r($this->fmfErrors, TRUE) : '{Record generated by payment module}'),
        zen_db_perform(TABLE_PAYPAL, $paypal_order);
        $this->notify('NOTIFY_PAYPALWPP_AFTER_PROCESS_FINISHED', $paypal_order);
    and make the highlighted change (you'll need to scroll to the right):
        // store the PayPal order meta data -- used for later matching and back-end processing activities
        $paypal_order = array('order_id' => $insert_id,
                              'txn_type' => $this->transactiontype,
                              'module_name' => $this->code,
                              'module_mode' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_MODULE_MODE,
                              'reason_code' => $this->reasoncode,
                              'payment_type' => $this->payment_type,
                              'payment_status' => $this->payment_status,
                              'pending_reason' => $this->pendingreason,
                              'invoice' => urldecode($_SESSION['paypal_ec_token'] . (isset($this->responsedata['PPREF']) ? $this->responsedata['PPREF'] : '')),
                              'first_name' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['payer_firstname'],
                              'last_name' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['payer_lastname'],
                              'payer_business_name' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['payer_business'],
                              'address_name' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_name'],
                              'address_street' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_street_1'],
                              'address_city' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_city'],
                              'address_state' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_state'],
                              'address_zip' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_postal_code'],
                              'address_country' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_country_name'],
                              'address_status' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_address_status'],
                              'payer_email' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['payer_email'],
                              'payer_id' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_id'],
                              'payer_status' => $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['payer_status'],
                              'payment_date' => trim(preg_replace('/[^0-9-:]/', ' ', $this->payment_time)),
                              'business' => '',
                              'receiver_email' => (substr(MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_MODULE_MODE,0,7) == 'Payflow' ? MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_PFVENDOR : str_replace('_api1', '', MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_APIUSERNAME)),
                              'receiver_id' => '',
                              'txn_id' => $this->transaction_id,
                              'parent_txn_id' => '',
                              'num_cart_items' => (float)$this->numitems,
                              'mc_gross' => (float)$this->amt,
                              'mc_fee' => (float)urldecode($this->feeamt),
                              'mc_currency' => $this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_CURRENCYCODE'],
                              'settle_amount' => (float)(isset($this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_SETTLEAMT'])) ? $this->urldecode($this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_SETTLEAMT']) : (float)$this->amt,
                              'settle_currency' => $this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_CURRENCYCODE'],
                              'exchange_rate' => (isset($this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_EXCHANGERATE']) && urldecode($this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_EXCHANGERATE']) > 0) ? urldecode($this->responsedata['PAYMENTINFO_0_EXCHANGERATE']) : 1.0,
                              'notify_version' => '0',
                              'verify_sign' =>'',
                              'date_added' => 'now()',
                              'memo' => (sizeof($this->fmfErrors) > 0 ? 'FMF Details ' . print_r($this->fmfErrors, TRUE) : '{Record generated by payment module}'),
        zen_db_perform(TABLE_PAYPAL, $paypal_order);
        $this->notify('NOTIFY_PAYPALWPP_AFTER_PROCESS_FINISHED', $paypal_order);
    Apparently, the PAYMENTINFO_0_SETTLEAMT element wasn't returned by PayPal, so the $this->amt value (which has the currency-code appended) is being used. That's causing the issue, since the settle_amt field in the database is defined as a decimal value.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Tampa Bay, Florida
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout issue

    Fantastic catch, Cindy. Thank you.
    That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Modifications
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout issue

    Thank you so much! Took me over six hours of troubleshooting what you fixed in a matter of minutes. Much appreciated!



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