Originally Posted by
This must be a plugin then. At any rate, the code block you will want will be similar to what I posted.
Yes it is. It shows orders in side box like mentioned at following link
I tried code you provided it did not work. The code I have in that file right now is
HTML Code:
$content = '';$content .= '<div id="' . str_replace('_', '-', $box_id . 'Content') . '" class="sideBoxContent">';if(sizeof($latestOrdersArray) > 0) { $content .= '<ul>'; foreach ($latestOrdersArray as $order) { $content .= '<li><div class="order-item">'; $content .= '<div class="order-item-details">'; // $content .= sprintf(LATEST_ORDERS_SIDEBOX_HAS_BOUGHT1, '<strong>' . $order['name1'] . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $order['country1'] . '</strong>');
$content .= '<br/>';
$first = true; foreach($order['products'] as $product) { if($first === false) { $content .= '<br/> '; } $content .= '<a href="' . zen_href_link('product_info', 'products_id=' . $product['id']) . '">' . $product['name'] . '</a><br/>';
$first = false; }