He just got back with me. It's an issue within Zen-cart in the order_date field. Instead of a date, it shows DATE_TIME_FORMAT
He just got back with me. It's an issue within Zen-cart in the order_date field. Instead of a date, it shows DATE_TIME_FORMAT
Well, that's wonderful (not). Apparently the constants DATE_TIME_FORMAT and DATE_FORMAT_SHORT, which used to be present in the main language file (e.g. /includes/languages/english.php) have magically disappeared in zc157.
Those definitions, for prior ZC versions, were
Update: Zen Cart GitHub issue opened (https://github.com/zencart/zencart/issues/3975)Code:define('DATE_FORMAT_SHORT', '%m/%d/%Y'); // this is used for strftime() define('DATE_TIME_FORMAT', DATE_FORMAT_SHORT . ' %H:%M:%S');
Last edited by lat9; 24 Sep 2020 at 07:34 PM.
My workaround was to change line 104 in shipstation_zc.php from this:
To this:Code:return strftime(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year))
Code:return strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year));
Question: for the way shipstation is using this, does it really need to rely on a constant in Zen Cart? ie: is it critical that it know something about Zen Cart in order to do what it's doing in this part of the code? Or does shipstation's processing actually need/expect a certain format (which "coincidentally" matched what Zen Cart had in that constant) and therefore it would be more sensible to hard-code the expected format instead of using any constants in Zen Cart anyway?
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vanhorn_s: could i get clarification here? Exactly what does work? We're having the same issue and trying to solve it. What precisely did you do/ change to get shipstation working?
Thank you!
When I originally tried post #12, it didn't work, but I accidentally messed it up. If you add those exact 2 lines to the end of the lines that look like that, it will work again.
DATE_TIME_FORMAT fixes applied to https://www.zen-cart.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=1324
Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
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