I'm effectively trying to recreate a custom product type that I had in v1.5.3 in v.1.5.7c and I'm running into a problem with the language file.
I defined and created a product type called "product_cards_ufs" and have placed it's definition into the admin table. I made a collect info as /admin/includes/modules/product_cards_ufs/collect_info.php and a language file under /admin/includes/languages/english/product_cards_ufs.php.
I'm trying to test out the file now in the admin area but noticed that for some reason, my definitions are not being loaded. Where there is supposed to be the text defined as this:
PHP Code:
define('TEXT_UFS_DIFFICULTY', 'Difficulty:');
And I have the text of product_cards_ufs/collect_info.php as this:
PHP Code:
<?php echo TEXT_UFS_DIFFICULTY; ?> <br />
<?php echo zen_draw_input_field('difficulty', $pInfo->difficulty, 'class="form-control" id="difficulty" style="text-align:center; width: 105px;" min="0" max="9"', false, "number"); ?>
But on the collect_info in the admin, instead of seeing the defined text, I just see the constant name. Before I throw this language definition into extra_definitions, which I think is less than ideal, is there a place where this is supposed to be?