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  1. #1
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    Default Paypal Express checkout recent changes

    we are
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    php 5.6.40
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    Apache webserver

    We have been using paypal express in zen for quite awhile. Now we get an email from paypal stating

    "To make online purchasing with PayPal easy and to help drive better experiences for your customers, we’re making some improvements:
    • Enhancing ways to help authenticate recognized customers, including one-time-password capabilities
    • Simplifying the account creation process
    • Removing the guest option within Express Checkout so when customers click on PayPal to check out, they'll have the option to easily log in or to create an account"

    Is any of this going to affect the zen paypal express module within zencart? "Removing the guest option" sounds troubling.

    Any feedback will be appreciated

    "He called you a cowboy. What are you?"
    "Just a humble bounty hunter, ma'am"

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Paypal Express checkout recent changes

    Quote Originally Posted by rstar23 View Post
    we are
    zen 1.5.4
    php 5.6.40
    MySQL 5.5.5-10.2.40-MariaDB
    Apache webserver

    We have been using paypal express in zen for quite awhile. Now we get an email from paypal stating

    "To make online purchasing with PayPal easy and to help drive better experiences for your customers, we’re making some improvements:
    • Enhancing ways to help authenticate recognized customers, including one-time-password capabilities
    • Simplifying the account creation process
    • Removing the guest option within Express Checkout so when customers click on PayPal to check out, they'll have the option to easily log in or to create an account"

    Is any of this going to affect the zen paypal express module within zencart? "Removing the guest option" sounds troubling.

    Any feedback will be appreciated

    I got that email, too. My reading of the "Removing the guest option" is that PayPal will now require that customer payments occur from a customer's PayPal account (i.e. the customer must have an account with PayPal).

    The "guest option" (i.e. the PayPal Express Payment button) will still work within Zen Cart, but your customer will need to have a PayPal account to continue. That's similar in function to PayPal's previous processing, where they would require a customer to create a PayPal account after making some number of 'guest' PayPal purchases.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Paypal Express checkout recent changes

    If you don't want to force your customers to create a PayPal account, it might be worth considering other credit card processing options, such as Square.
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Paypal Express checkout recent changes

    Quote Originally Posted by swguy View Post
    If you don't want to force your customers to create a PayPal account, it might be worth considering other credit card processing options, such as Square.

    It might be time to look at other options. Am curious how Square works with Zen?
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Paypal Express checkout recent changes


    I am reading this the same. I don't recall getting any sort of heads-up from paypal prior to this most recent email. Did you get any notice or forewarning prior to this?
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Paypal Express checkout recent changes

    At first I thought this was phishing because I didn't see anything on PayPal's site about it. I'm still monitoring on behalf of clients who don't want this behavior.
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Paypal Express checkout recent changes

    thanks for the info
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Paypal Express checkout recent changes

    Talked with paypal support regarding the email we received and they say it was a phishing attempt .
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Paypal Express checkout recent changes

    HAH! Thanks for confirming. I thought so but I didn't see any crazy URLs in the email so I wasn't sure.
    That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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