admin > tools > install SQL Patches
admin > tools > install SQL Patches
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Thank You! Appreciate your quick response and direction. Jumping in for the guy that usually does that, and I'm not as familiar.
Anyone using this with Numinix FEC? I have a client with FEC 2.4.1 and Zen Cart 1.5.6c
I installed this new plugin and now get this:
One error in the console but about a missing flexslider function
I tried putting jscript_square_webPay.php in /public_html/includes/modules/pages/checkout When I do, this button disappears.
When I turn off FEC, it seems to work fine.
Installed the App and I am currently testing. Getting a speed bump.
Each time I enter the cc info and click to confirm, the page refreshes and displays a message "Your order's details have changed. Please review the current values and re-submit." The url is for one page checkout:
that error is coming from OPC. it's basically saying the hash has changed and i need to reload everything.
why it is doing that is anyone's guess.
empirical data suggests the square webPay and OPC do play nice together when properly configured. so why OPC is telling you that your order details have changed, perhaps may be better served over on the forum over there. i am not the OPC expert by any stretch.
YEP! You were right. It was a OPC configuration. Thank you so much!
> YEP! You were right. It was a OPC configuration. Thank you so much!
What was the required change ?
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Changing the OPC accepted payment method from “square” to “square_webPay” after I installed the new Square Web Pay mod.