Quote Originally Posted by Dave224 View Post
I have Square WebPay logging set to Always and Verbose set to true in the handler. Should I receive a log on successful token refresh when the handler is run from a cron job (the automated token refresh method), and when the manual token refresh approach documented in storeowner docs, i.e., click edit then click update in the admin Square WebPay payment module?
Thank you!
i do not run a production site using square. so hard for me to say exactly.

when running a cron job for the handler, you should check how you have the output configured for your cron jobs. there will be output there, but that output is completely handled via cron.

it does NOT look like this module will generate a php log (ie, a zen-cart log) on successful token refresh. but the cron job will have output.

when doing a manual refresh, there will be a php log (ie a zen-cart log) even when there is a successful token refresh.

hope that helps.
