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ZC Version 1.57D
PHP 8.0

I was wondering of there is a way to changed the main image picture based the option selected. For example if I have a product in different colors (gray, red, blue, green, etc.) The main product is gray but if customer selects blue the page will change to blue, if they select the green option the picture changes to green, etc.

I know there is an plugin called; attrib_image_swap_module_v1_5_10

But it doesn't appear to be for 1.57. So was wondering if there is anything else or is it built in now?

NOTE: I have a store that is running 1.56c using 7.2. I have a lot of modules in it so I know it would be too hard to upgrade it so I am starting with a fresh copy of zen 1.57D. I really need the changing of product photo based on option select feature.