Our site is trackreadyproducts.com We've begun the process of integrating with Facebook by creating a product catalog on their site, this offers FB users a 'seamless experience' (barf) and ties in with the advertising we'll purchase. I've added torvista's superb Structured Data Markup plugin to pump product metadata to FB. (If you right click on a product page and look for "<!-- Facebook structured data general-->"you can see all the data it's sending)

There's three ways to add your products to the catalog in Facebook, 1) type them in manually, b) import a CSV or 3) implement their pixel in the ZC product page. We've done #3 and according to FB, the pixel fires any time anyone clicks on a item, adds it to the cart, etc. and, unless the item is out of stock, it's this action that uploads a product to the FB catalog.

This works to a degree, but not all the time. My question is for anyone who is doing the same, creating a product catalog on FB that's linked to a Zen Cart site. We have approx 1000 products but many are seat bases (649) and steering wheel adapters (111) so that leaves around 240 products that people are likely to click on. Oddly only about 67 have uploaded to FB over the past few weeks even though the other items are in stock. It's really odd, I've enlisted friends and family to click on all the seats, gear bags, etc. but no go.

Anyone else run into this?