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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    United States
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    Default PayPal has unexpectedly returned a blank address

    Zen Cart: v1.5.6c
    Server OS: Linux
    PHP Version: 7.3.33
    No Changes Has Been Made To The Site
    Products Are Not Virtual

    When customers are using PayPal express checkout, they are receiving this back from PayPal (PROBLEM: We're sorry. PayPal has unexpectedly returned a blank address. In order to complete your purchase, please provide your address by clicking the "Sign Up" button below to create an account in our store. Then you may select PayPal again when you continue with checkout).

    PayPal express checkout settings:

    Enable this Payment Module
    Do you want to enable this payment module?


    Payment Zone
    If a zone is selected, only enable this payment method for that zone.


    Express Checkout Shortcut Button
    The Express Checkout Shortcut button shows up on your shopping cart page to invite your customers to pay using PayPal without having to give all their address details on your site first before selecting shipping options.
    It has been shown to increase sales and conversions when enabled.
    Default: On


    Set Order Status
    Set the status of orders paid with this payment module to this value.
    Recommended: Processing[2]


    Set Unpaid Order Status
    Set the status of unpaid orders made with this payment module to this value.
    Recommended: Pending[1]


    Set Refund Order Status
    Set the status of refunded orders to this value.
    Recommended: Pending[1]


    Express Checkout: Require Confirmed Address
    Do you want to require that your (not-logged-in) customers use a *confirmed* address when choosing their shipping address in PayPal?
    (this is ignored for logged-in customers)


    Express Checkout: Select Cheapest Shipping Automatically
    When customer returns from PayPal, do we want to automatically select the Cheapest shipping method and skip the shipping page? (making it more *express*)
    Note: enabling this means the customer does *not* have easy access to select an alternate shipping method (without going back to the Checkout-Step-1 page)


    Express Checkout: Skip Payment Page
    If the customer is checking out with Express Checkout, do you want to skip the checkout payment page, making things more *express*?
    (NOTE: The Payment Page will auto-display regardless of this setting if you have Coupons or Gift Certificates enabled in your store.)


    Express Checkout: Automatic Account Creation
    If a visitor is not an existing customer, a Zen Cart account is created for them. Would you like make it a permanent account and send them an email containing their login information?
    NOTE: Permanent accounts are auto-created if the customer purchases downloads or gift certificates, regardless of this setting.


    Payment Action
    How do you want to obtain payment?
    Default: Final Sale

    Final Sale

    Transaction Currency

    Not Set

    Allow eCheck?
    Do you want to allow non-instant payments like eCheck/EFT/ELV?


    PayPal Page Style
    The page-layout style you want customers to see when they visit the PayPal site. You can configure your Custom Page Styles in your PayPal Profile settings. This value is case-sensitive.


    PayPal Mode
    Which PayPal API system should be used for processing?
    For choice #1, you need to supply API Settings above.
    1. PayPal = Express Checkout with a regular PayPal account
    for choices 2 & 3 you need to supply PAYFLOW settings, below (and have a Payflow account)
    2. Payflow-UK = Website Payments Pro UK Payflow Edition
    3. Payflow-US = Payflow Pro Gateway only


    Use InContext Checkout?
    PayPal now offers a newer friendlier InContext (in-page) checkout mode (Requires that you enter your MerchantID in the Merchant ID Setting above). Or you can use the older checkout style which offers Pay Without Account by default but with a full-page-redirect.


    Live or Sandbox
    Live: Used to process Live transactions
    Sandbox: For developers and testing


    Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You,
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    N of San Antonio TX
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: PayPal has unexpectedly returned a blank address

    There have been a lot of changes in PayPal files since 1.5.6.

    It's probably best to upgrade.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    United States
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: PayPal has unexpectedly returned a blank address

    I looked through the forum and i found a thread with the same issue but there products was virtual, my products are not virtual. I would appreciate some help with this.

    Thank You,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    N of San Antonio TX
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: PayPal has unexpectedly returned a blank address


    Unfortunately, 1.5.6 is no longer supported and it may be very difficult to even find someone with a test site to try and help.

    I fear your only option is upgrade. You might just set up a test site with nothing but demo products and PayPal. Shouldn't take over an hour to find out whether or not PayPal will work for you. If you use cPanel, you can find a tutorial at



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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR