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  1. #21
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    Default Re: GA-4 Analytics [Support Thread]

    @GordoTheFlash Check with your hoster. The time varies between "instantaneous" and "you must wait for a migration to another server."
    Also, double check after some time has passed because you may be looking at a cached page.
    That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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  2. #22

    Default Re: GA-4 Analytics [Support Thread]

    I get that but my question is, is there a way to insert a new GA4 analytics code somewhere into the header file? I mean it's just a Javascript tracking code. Why is there a necessity for a plug in?
    Case Badges by Techiant

  3. #23
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    Default Re: GA-4 Analytics [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by Techiant View Post
    I get that but my question is, is there a way to insert a new GA4 analytics code somewhere into the header file? I mean it's just a Javascript tracking code. Why is there a necessity for a plug in?
    It depends on whether you want 'basic' tracking (i.e. page-traversal) or the 'ecommerce' events (someone added something to the cart or completed checkout).

    If it's only 'basic' tracking, then just add the Google-recommended javascript to your template's html_header.php file; if you want the 'ecommerce' events, you'll need the plugin.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: GA-4 Analytics [Support Thread]

    I would like to incorperate full ecommerce tracking so I was looking at this plugin, However the site already uses google tag manager and the documentation implies that it should really be one or the other and not both.

    Should I be looking how to add the ecommerce tracking into tag manager or is it plausible to still install the plugin?


  5. #25
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    Default Re: GA-4 Analytics [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by DannyVarley View Post
    I would like to incorperate full ecommerce tracking so I was looking at this plugin, However the site already uses google tag manager and the documentation implies that it should really be one or the other and not both.

    Should I be looking how to add the ecommerce tracking into tag manager or is it plausible to still install the plugin?

    The GA-4 Analytics plugin and be used in either GTM or GA-4 mode, depending on the type of Google Marketing ID with which you configure the plugin. If you've already got Google Tag Manager in use, then that should be removed prior to installation so that you don't get (at best) double-reporting of information or (at worst) Google "mad" at you.

    I am not a Google Management Console user, but there's some magic that one must do to use a GTM- Marketing ID with GA-4; something about connecting the G- (GA-4) Marketing ID to its GTM- sibling.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: GA-4 Analytics [Support Thread]

    Zen Cart 1.5.7C
    Bootstrap Template 3.5.3
    GA4 Analytics
    GA4 Measuring ID

    I'm getting slower checkout times as google Analytics is sending data to Google.. I get the spinning time tool and I can count to 10 sometimes while it's sending data to google. Is there a way to speed this up?



  7. #27
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    Default Re: GA-4 Analytics [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by brian70809 View Post
    Zen Cart 1.5.7C
    Bootstrap Template 3.5.3
    GA4 Analytics
    GA4 Measuring ID

    I'm getting slower checkout times as google Analytics is sending data to Google.. I get the spinning time tool and I can count to 10 sometimes while it's sending data to google. Is there a way to speed this up?


    What's "GA4 Measuring ID"?

  8. #28
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    Default Re: GA-4 Analytics [Support Thread]


    vs the UA that is no longer supposed to be used.

  9. #29
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    Default Re: GA-4 Analytics [Support Thread]

    Perhaps a "preconnect" to Google's tag manager would help. See this link for additional information.

    Try adding this just after the <head> tag in the site's template's html_header.php:
    <link href="" rel="preconnect" crossorigin>
    FWIW, I saw no noticeable lag in the pages' display on the site.

  10. #30
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    Default Re: GA-4 Analytics [Support Thread]

    I'll do what you posted.. It's only during checkout...

    I use OPC with Bootstrap and the circle of time spins for about 10 seconds while someone checks out. With or without Credit Card, it's the same time.

    I'll update after I put this line in.


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