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I just started a new 1.58a zen store on 8.2.4 php, upgraded from 1.58 database along with the following plugins:
One Page Checkout
Ultimate URLS
Database backup
Square WebPay
Now I get the following internal server error when clicking the category to view an item.
It seems the dbase upgraded ok. I can see my categories and items within my admin.
Any advice?
Many thanks
I checked my logs and in My Debug discovered:
[12-Apr-2023 12:38:34 America/Boise] PHP Fatal error: Trait 'Zencart\Traits\NotifierManager' not found in /XXXXXX/XXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXXX/includes/classes/class.base.php on line 12
I checked that file and found the following:
use Zencart\Traits\NotifierManager;
use Zencart\Traits\ObserverManager;
class base
use NotifierManager;
use ObserverManager;
public static function camelize($rawName, $camelFirst = false)
if ($rawName == "")
return $rawName;
if ($camelFirst) {
$rawName[0] = strtoupper($rawName[0]);
return preg_replace_callback('/[_-]([0-9,a-z])/', function ($matches) {
return strtoupper($matches[1]);
}, $rawName);
I also checked my other working new installs w/o upgraded database and with mods mentioned above and the class.base file is the same.
So does that mean by upgrading changed something that is not allowing me to see my products or categories as mentioned?
I also changed my php to 8.1 and still get the same results only on the upgraded site.
Thanks for your help