First, you should not be editing the 'base' file (the directions need to be updated). You should copy /includes/languages/lang.index.php to your template override version (/includes/language/YOUR_TEMPLATE/lang.index.php and then make the edits.
$define = [
'TEXT_GREETING_GUEST' => 'Welcome <span class="greetUser">Guest!</span> Would you like to <a href="%s">log yourself in</a>?',
'TEXT_GREETING_GUEST_SHOWCASE' => 'Welcome, please enjoy our online showcase.',
'TEXT_GREETING_PERSONAL' => 'Hello <span class="greetUser">%s</span>! Would you like to see our <a href="%s">newest additions</a>?',
'TEXT_INFORMATION' => 'Define your main Index page copy here.',
'TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS' => 'There are no products to list in this category.',
'TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS2' => 'There is no product available from this manufacturer.',
'TEXT_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS' => 'Number of Products: ',
'TEXT_SHOW' => 'Filter Results by:',
'TEXT_BUY' => 'Buy 1 \'',
'TEXT_NOW' => '\' now',
'HEADING_TITLE_PRODUCTS' => 'Available Products',
'HEADING_TITLE' => 'Welcome to Our Site!',
'HEADING_TITLE_NESTED' => 'Welcome to Our Site!',
return $define;