Temporary fix for zc210 requirements (you can use this until author officially releases an update to get your plugin working)
the following file needs to be created as \includes\languages\english\modules\shipping\lang.fedexrest.php
<?php// Language file for FedEx REST API
$define = [
'MODULE_SHIPPING_FEDEX_REST_TEXT_DESCRIPTION' => '<h2>FedEx REST API</h2><p>You will need to have registered an account with FedEx to use this module. Please see the README.md file.</p>',
// For locales other than en_US please see
// https://developer.fedex.com/api/en-mx/guides/api-reference.html#locales
// Email if bad credentials
'MODULE_SHIPPING_FEDEXREST_EMAIL_SUBJECT' => 'The fedexrest shipping method has been automatically disabled',
'MODULE_SHIPPING_FEDEXREST_INVALID_CREDENTIALS' => 'The API Key/Secret Key combination you set were not recognized by FedEx, and so the fedexrest shipping module has been automatically disabled. Please work with your FedEx Account Rep to get working credentials.',
return $define;