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  1. #31
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    Default Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    If I was using zen 1.58 and was using numinix product fields to fetch the images correctly too run a product feed of mixed images (self hosted and off site) and then upgraded zencart and ditched numinix product fields, would this possibly be why my gpsf2 fully skips almost every off site image??

    I can see the issues and cause but i'm unsure how to proceed or if id need to tweak gpsf2 also to get the results i need?

    Here's my current train of thought...

    I am thinking if i can successfully reintegrate npf into my 1.58a I could then change the following....

    Line # 114 :                 $this->feedParameters['type'] = 'documents';
    too include my extra definitions...

    Line #3 :     'BOX_HEADING_DOCUMENT_CATEGORIES' => 'Documents',
    as follows....

    Line # 114 :                 $this->feedParameters['type'] = 'documents', 'Documents';
    which would allow me too ensure these details are passed too it in the codeboxes below?

    Somehow I actually have the additional fields showing on my crazygamer site but not on my other site i posted about the other day.. ironically one site has what the other should have whilst the other is failing to presently load in the admin panel, it seems npf may be needed but possibly not installed but the remnants which add the product fields i need are still there or now standard fields included in a Zen cart setup since 1.58??

    I notice I have gtin which was "v_gtin" on my old site which is no longer showing up on my crazygamer site so i assume my admin panel is down on my project because i have everything in place but the extra fields?? My upgrade seemed to have missed a few important tasks once everything seemed to be working ok. I also have a javascript reflow error on my home page and all seem to be related issues.

    I have the following at present appearing on my live stores product listing page.... but i believe i originally had an images_url field also

    Products Shipping Weight:
    Category Code:
    Event Date:
    Event Location:
    Event Name:
    Event Time:
    Ticket Type:
    Sort Order:
    but i believe i originally had an images_url field which would allow the older gsf to merrily include that info. I'm not entirely sure how i still have some of the extra fields as i did not do the upgrade but if i can find out i resolve all my issues possibly?

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    ok, i've figured out the issue i am having solely revolves around this setting to pre-append images with a url. I unfortunately only need it for one category as the rest are hosted locally. Is there a quick fix to this, say a line i can edit to tell it only to apply that setting to the one category otherwise to treat it as a store image. I am aware this is kind of site specific at present but i don't think I will be the only store owner that has a mixture of urls and images in the image field??

    My image urls are fed direct to the image field for the computing section and it only accepts those items if i prepend but then declines all the rest. It is possibly the one thing that is stopping me saying the upgrade to 1.58 was a success of sorts.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    v1.0.1 of GPSF-2 is now available for download:

    This is a BUGFIX release; for a full list of changes, see this link:

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    Hi everyone. I'm new here and don't know much about working on websites. I started my store 2 years ago and I've been slowly learning. I just added the Google Product Search Feeder to my store "Cedar Grove Herbs" yesterday afternoon @ and get a request failed error (404) when I try to generate a feed. Can someone help? I'm using zencart v1.5.8

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-07 072556.jpg 
Views:	55 
Size:	27.1 KB 
ID:	20490

    I looked up the code and see that it's a server error, and I actually noticed this problem hours earlier because I recently had a new theme installed on a subdirectory and I tried to install Easy Populate 4.0.36.ZC. yesterday. After I installed most of the files, but before I added the .htaccess file, I checked my admin and saw it was in the tools category and configuration category, and then I logged out to add the .htaccess file and when I logged back in I saw the 404 error when I clicked on easy populate. I cleared my cache and my admin login page and admin page looked like this:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-06 164919.jpg 
Views:	37 
Size:	8.5 KB 
ID:	20491
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-06 164904.jpg 
Views:	36 
Size:	19.4 KB 
ID:	20492

    It sounds like I have alot going on, but slowly but surely I'm sure this will get corrected. I deleted the easy populate files so I can try again after I get my login and admin page back to normal. Both websites look normal. I put the old .htaccess files back in my public_html folders. As I said, I'm new but I'm sure someone here can help me get my admin page back to normal on my subdirectory website and help me get my google Product Search feeder working right. Thanks for listening!

    Btw - I did contact my server host, and they had me restart my router and then they tinkered and said they fixed the 404 error and I should have better results in 2 hours. Well, that time has come and gone and I see no change. So I guess I need confirmation from you guys that first I need to tackle the server problem, because that's the main problem, and then I can start dealing with the other issues - like getting my admin login and admin page back to looking normal.

  5. #35
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    Woodbine, Georgia, United States
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    Default Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenomenal7 View Post
    Hi everyone. I'm new here and don't know much about working on websites. I started my store 2 years ago and I've been slowly learning. I just added the Google Product Search Feeder to my store "Cedar Grove Herbs" yesterday afternoon @ and get a request failed error (404) when I try to generate a feed. Can someone help? I'm using zencart v1.5.8

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-07 072556.jpg 
Views:	55 
Size:	27.1 KB 
ID:	20490

    I looked up the code and see that it's a server error, and I actually noticed this problem hours earlier because I recently had a new theme installed on a subdirectory and I tried to install Easy Populate 4.0.36.ZC. yesterday. After I installed most of the files, but before I added the .htaccess file, I checked my admin and saw it was in the tools category and configuration category, and then I logged out to add the .htaccess file and when I logged back in I saw the 404 error when I clicked on easy populate. I cleared my cache and my admin login page and admin page looked like this:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-06 164919.jpg 
Views:	37 
Size:	8.5 KB 
ID:	20491
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-06 164904.jpg 
Views:	36 
Size:	19.4 KB 
ID:	20492

    It sounds like I have alot going on, but slowly but surely I'm sure this will get corrected. I deleted the easy populate files so I can try again after I get my login and admin page back to normal. Both websites look normal. I put the old .htaccess files back in my public_html folders. As I said, I'm new but I'm sure someone here can help me get my admin page back to normal on my subdirectory website and help me get my google Product Search feeder working right. Thanks for listening!

    Btw - I did contact my server host, and they had me restart my router and then they tinkered and said they fixed the 404 error and I should have better results in 2 hours. Well, that time has come and gone and I see no change. So I guess I need confirmation from you guys that first I need to tackle the server problem, because that's the main problem, and then I can start dealing with the other issues - like getting my admin login and admin page back to looking normal.
    I think it is most likely an installation mistake on the /new
    PRO-Webs, Inc. since 2003 :: Zen Cart Hosting :: Zen Cart SEO – 12 Steps to Success
    **I answer questions in the forum, private messages are not conducive to a helpful community.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by mprough View Post
    I think it is most likely an installation mistake on the /new
    Maybe. I'm just confused because the 404 on the /new didn't show up until I cleared my cache on my laptop. After that, my admin login screen and admin page looked as I showed in my screenshot. I deleted the easypopulate files from the /new after that, and my admin login screen and admin page still looked as I showed in the screenshot so I figured it was a server problem. And the 404 when I try to generate a google product feed on my root store. Thank you for responding!

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenomenal7 View Post
    Maybe. I'm just confused because the 404 on the /new didn't show up until I cleared my cache on my laptop. After that, my admin login screen and admin page looked as I showed in my screenshot. I deleted the easypopulate files from the /new after that, and my admin login screen and admin page still looked as I showed in the screenshot so I figured it was a server problem. And the 404 when I try to generate a google product feed on my root store. Thank you for responding!
    Because when you cleared your cache it cleared your session. I easy populate installed on the live site?
    PRO-Webs, Inc. since 2003 :: Zen Cart Hosting :: Zen Cart SEO – 12 Steps to Success
    **I answer questions in the forum, private messages are not conducive to a helpful community.

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by mprough View Post
    Because when you cleared your cache it cleared your session. I easy populate installed on the live site?
    Yes it it - and it works just fine on the live site. Just used it yesterday.

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    I didn't install it on the live site - someone else did. I'm trying my hand at working on the /new so I installed easy pop myself on there. It did appear on the tools and configurations after I installed. I went to look before adding the .htaccess file. After I added the .htaccess file for easypop that's when things changed. I deleted all files and added the .htaccess file that was there previously when all looked right and yet my admin login and admin page still looks as show.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenomenal7 View Post
    Hi everyone. I'm new here and don't know much about working on websites. I started my store 2 years ago and I've been slowly learning. I just added the Google Product Search Feeder to my store "Cedar Grove Herbs" yesterday afternoon @ and get a request failed error (404) when I try to generate a feed. Can someone help? I'm using zencart v1.5.8

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-07 072556.jpg 
Views:	55 
Size:	27.1 KB 
ID:	20490
    I'm guessing that the 404 error (File Not Found) is because you didn't copy the root-directory file gpsf_main_controller.php. That file should reside in the same directory as the site's ipn_main_handler.php file.


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