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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Zencart installation on Virtualmin?

    I am setting up a new webserver. I have an Ubuntu 22 server with Virtualmin. Webmin version 2.105 Usermin version 2.005
    Virtualmin version 7.8.2 Pro

    I have had to also install PHP 7
    when I run the install script it appears to install correctly however when I run the setup by the website URL I am able to run the setup and when I get to the last step where it is supposed to connect to the database it fails. The error states it is not able to connect to the database and the installation fails I have worked with Virtualmin but to no avail. I have noticed that during the installation it creates 2 databases. one database has the name of the website and the other has the name of the website_zencart What am I doing wrong ???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    N of San Antonio TX
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: Zencart installation on Virtualmin

    I find the following suggested steps for loading additional PHP. Is this the steps you used?

    To install PHP 7 with Virtualmin, you can try these steps:
    1. Log in to the Webmin panel with admin credentials
    2. Go to Webmin Configuration in the Webmin menu
    3. Click Webmin Modules
    4. Scroll down to Unused Modules
    5. Select Virtualmin Virtual Server Management module
    6. Click Install
    7. Install PHP packages version 5.6 and/or 7.4 and/or 8.0



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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR