Demo data, product 34 "Bug's Life Multipack":
In the database, the image filename is:"dvd/a_bugs_life.gif"
main: "dvd/a_bugs_life.gif"
0 => "dvd/a_bugs_life_00.gif"
1 => "dvd/a_bugs_life_01.gif"
2 => "dvd/a_bugs_life_02.gif"
3 => "dvd/a_bugs_life_03.gif"
4 => "dvd/a_bugs_life_04.gif"
5 => "dvd/a_bugs_life_05.gif"
6 => "dvd/a_bugs_life_06.gif"
7 => "dvd/a_bugs_life_07.gif"
8 => "dvd/a_bugs_life_08.gif"
9 => "dvd/a_bugs_life_09.gif"
If I rename the "_09" to "09", the image disappears.
Outcome: The "_" is enforced when in the subdirectory.
If I move those files up from /images/dvd to just /images/ and update the database to "a_bugs_life.gif" (and clear the cache), then it finds all the same images:
Main: "a_bugs_life.gif"
0 => "a_bugs_life_00.gif"
1 => "a_bugs_life_01.gif"
2 => "a_bugs_life_02.gif"
3 => "a_bugs_life_03.gif"
4 => "a_bugs_life_04.gif"
5 => "a_bugs_life_05.gif"
6 => "a_bugs_life_06.gif"
7 => "a_bugs_life_07.gif"
8 => "a_bugs_life_08.gif"
9 => "a_bugs_life_09.gif"
HOWEVER, if I rename the "_09.gif" to "09.gif", the image IS included in the list: "a_bugs_life09.gif" (and is actually at the top of the "additionals" list)
Outcome: The "_" suffix matching is NOT enforced when in the "main /images/ directory".
TO MAKE IT FORCE THE EXPECTATION OF AN UNDERSCORE AFTER THE "BASE" IMAGE NAME, you have to make the following change to /includes/modules/additional_images.php:
// if in a subdirectory
if (strrpos($products_image, '/')) {
$products_image_match = substr($products_image, strrpos($products_image, '/')+1);
//echo 'TEST 1: I match ' . $products_image_match . ' - ' . $file . ' - base ' . $products_image_base . '<br>';
$products_image_match = str_replace($products_image_extension, '', $products_image_match) . '_';
$products_image_base = $products_image_match;
// force the use of a '_' suffix when detecting additional images NOT in a subdirectory
$products_image_base .= '_';
if (substr($products_image_base, -2) === '__') {
$products_image_base = substr($products_image_base, 0, -1);
$products_image_directory = str_replace($products_image, '', substr($products_image, strrpos($products_image, '/')));
if ($products_image_directory != '') {
$products_image_directory = DIR_WS_IMAGES . str_replace($products_image_directory, '', $products_image) . "/";
} else {
$products_image_directory = DIR_WS_IMAGES;
Tested in v2.0.0 with BS4 v3.7.0 template. This section of this file is the same in v1.5.8 as in v2.0.0.