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  1. #61
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    Jun 2021
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    Default Re: trouble with paradise--admin/market dame link

    ok, I have tried and tried after installation by selecting all tables and either using the menu at the bottom of the tables....drop and delete. The few times I got a clean install and upgrade I did the upgrade button. That is when I get the entire list of everything to upgrade from 1.5 to the end, every time it does the first upgrade and hangs forever on the rest. It will not do the entire upgrade.

    I also at times get the message that I need the pass for the admin to install and have tried both the 1.3.9h password and when told there was a problem I tried the pass given to the 2.0.1 install and it still says it is not right. When I then try to use the instructions to do that temp admin code I find that it is missing a line in the old base, so I even tried deleting the new admin info I just did, adding the line then reading the admin info and it still says it is not right. Telling me that it needs a super user name/info but with the line missing from the table and it not accepting the info anyway I figured it was too old to use.

    That is why I figured since I have only been able to get the store with a normal install that I would do it then manually renter the vendor info and the product info and reinstall the mods (not in the order I wrote) like CKEditor, ceon, image handler and another I can't think of...then have a good cry since it doesn't wish to let me use the info on the old DB.

    I really appreciate all the help I am getting.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
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    Default Re: trouble with paradise--admin/market dame link

    I have tried repeatedly to do what you said to do and no matter what it finally dawned on me I am not doing it wrong...sort of, when it comes time to upgrade it will claim to do so but I see that what I thought it read was not it at all. It said it tried, not did it, to upgrade from 1.3.9h to 1.5.1 however it first needed to do 1.5. That is my problem to do it I need to change the PHP version--no problemo, hah--I did and the store is not agreeing. it is too old and the zip for it won't work so I did a clean install then my 2.0.1 again and will just treat the store as a first-time store. I will look at my info and then re-enter all the info by hand in admin like it never existed.

    I suppose it is a new store so it shouldn't kill me just am happy I type rather fast.

    Another question, in previous versions, I was able to edit the files by adding the ~ to the original file and then editing the info inside of the other one. Can you still do that with this version?


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