you mentioned "I already had mySQL running before installing XAMPP."
Sounds like you may have two versions of mysql trying to use the same port.
you mentioned "I already had mySQL running before installing XAMPP."
Sounds like you may have two versions of mysql trying to use the same port.
Last edited by chadlly2003; 8 Sep 2024 at 02:05 AM.
It seems that the XAMPP installation wants the MariaDB server and that certain features will not work when using MySQL 8.0.38.
Do you know what features will not work?
Should I just bite the bullet and uninstall MySQL 8.0.38 and install the MariaDB that comes with XAMP?
I Googled "Use mysql 8 with xampp" and found this:
FWIW, I'm planning on using those instructions when I build up my next notebook for testing.
FWIW I long ago dumped Xampp when I discovered Laragon. Could not be easier to add and swap between different components and versions.
Steve BackupMySQL, Structured Data, Multiple Copy-Move-Delete, Google reCaptcha, Image Checker, Spanish Language Pack and more...
How do I test run the Zencart application within XAMPP?
The location of the Zencart index.php is in c:/xampp/htdocs/tennesseetraditionalflies
1. You can download the xamp version here.
2. Then you need to install program.
3. Once installed put your site into file C:\xampp\htdocs\Name_of_site
4. then start xampp control panel APACHE AND MYSQL
5. Import database
6. than open browser (type in localhost/name_of_site
you should see the site come up
I tried localhost/tennesseetraditionalflies/index.php which is where the Zencart application is and all that I get is a blank white screen. localhost/Test/test.php Hello World works so I am setup.
are there any errors in the log file?
Where is the log file that you refer?
The log you are looking for is located in.
I also wrote you a pm