I develop the module which Zen-Cart integrates with other CMS. (WordPress and XOOPS)
It may be funny English, but please endure it. (I am weak in English)
Hi Conor,
I can clarify the symptom I am seeing with WOZ and Advanced Shipper. It looks like its related to the WOZ sideboxes being enabled, and what WOZ is doing is entering text in or somehow interfering with the data in fields for AS, NOT overwriting as I said previously. So that when WOZ is removed, the data that was entered in these fields seems to return OK. This also jibes with what I see in the customer comment field. When WOZ sidebox is enabled I see "Array" prefilled in the field, when WOZ sidebox is off, "Array" goes away.
Hope this helps...
こんにちはConor、 私は私がWOZおよび高度の海運業者と見ている徴候を明白にしてもいい。 それは可能になるWOZのsideboxesに関係したのように私が前に言ったようにどんなWOZがしているかテキストを書き入れるか、またはデータと重 ね書きしない分野でどうかしてのためのように、干渉しているか見え。 WOZが取除かれる時、これらの分野で入力されたデータが良く戻るようであるように。 これはまた私が顧客のコメント欄で見るものをと一致する。 WOZのsideboxが可能にされて私のとき"を見なさい; Array" WOZのsideboxが消えている時分野で事前に入力される、" Array" 立ち去る。 これが…助けることを望みなさい 喝采
Thanks for that information.. it paints a very strange picture though.. sounds like WOZ is corrupting session information!
I'll check this out this weekend hopefully!
All the best..
Could you please send me a copy of 1.5.1 if you have made changes to it so that I can check against problems with the latest version rather than against 1.5.0?
I'll PM you my e-mail address. - Turns out I can't, you have that disabled. Please contact me via this link and I'll send you an e-mail address to which you can send 1.5.1.
All the best..
I develop the module which Zen-Cart integrates with other CMS. (WordPress and XOOPS)
It may be funny English, but please endure it. (I am weak in English)
I don't understand your response here..
If the GOAL is to fix WOZ so that it works correctly and does not interfere with other mods (hate to say it -- much as the Numinix embedding solution ALREADY does) and ONE of the modules where there are compatibility issues is Conor's module, why not send him (Conor) the modified files you have (v 1.5.1) so that the ORGINAL AUTHOR of Ceon URI and Advanced Shipper can take a look and see how to improve WOZ so that it works correctly and no longer has conflicts with these two modules..
My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.
FYI, turns out there's a MINOR change required to fix this.. I'll test and confirm this weekend, but I'm fairly certain I have the answer to this.. Though I still maintain that shortened or friendly URLS for the feeds is not even close to a NEED TO HAVE or a showstopper, I am glad you pointed this out.I now have two solutions to resolve this.. (One which creates shortened or friendly feed URLs when permalinks are turned on and another solution which uses the default feed URLs when permalinks are turned on..)
My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.
Ok, I am back. I still need help.
With reference to the above post. The fact that it was opening the wordpress page on a blank page was my mistake.
In the General / Settings / Blog Address (URL) I had put instead of just
However, I have followed the installation instructions to a T and it seems like I have everything installed.
The blog page comes up if I use this link:
But if I click on uncategorized at the bottom of the blog or even any of the topics on the blog side boxes, I just get re-directed to my home page? The blog page will not show up?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
how about this setting?
Setting > Permalink Settings > Default
I just tried that. I changed the permalink to default. It was set on day and name. It gives me a page not found error.
I set the permalink back to day and name and it is at least sending me to the home page instead of a page error?
The url it directs it to (when uncategorized is clicked) is:
But it does not show the uncategorized blog page, it shows the unlockology home page?