Possibly there should be a support thread specifically for WOZ sideboxes only module and/or combining it with the numinix solution.
I recently submitted an updated version of the module, the tpl_wp_XXX pages to which are added one line that seemed to be needed to close a DIV. Maybe this is only necessary when using the numinix method.
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '<div id="' . str_replace('_', '-', $box_id . 'Content') . '" class="sideBoxContent">';
$content .= '<ul>'.$out.'</ul>';
The extra-configures/wordpress_config.php file also needed to be changed. A 404 file not found error was occurring on the blog pages, which seemed to be due to something in here:
define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
$wp_did_header = true;
It worked fine when that code was removed, but there was a sidebox error on the NON-blog pages.
So I updated the code on the extra-configures/wordpress_config.php page to:
define ('ABSPATH','/path/to/my/blog/');
$its_blog_page = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "/blog";
if ((strpos($host, $its_blog_page) !== false) && (file_exists(ABSPATH.'wp-config.php'))){
define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
$wp_did_header = true;
which simply checks the current URL to see if it contains the numinix-style path to the blog (mydomain.com/blog) and loads ONLY the $woz_install=1; line, otherwise for any other page it loads also the WP THEME, wp Header and WP config lines.
I imagine there as a much more elegant way to do this and I would love to see if if anyone's inspired to share. Otherwise, hope this is useful.