Mine's working fine apart from the link shown in the "tell a friend" email, which comes up as
UN_FILENAME_LIGHTBOX_FIND doesn't appear to be defined anywhere.
Any suggestions?
Mine's working fine apart from the link shown in the "tell a friend" email, which comes up as
UN_FILENAME_LIGHTBOX_FIND doesn't appear to be defined anywhere.
Any suggestions?
When I access the Share My Wish List page, there is no content in the e-mail form textarea (except for an '8' in the first character position).
The define for FORM_DEFAULT_BODY is in the language file which is in the correct place. Am I missing something?
The site is still under construction but the page is at http://pinkpoppies.co.uk/NEWSTORE/in...wishlist_email
- you can login using test*globalteam.co.uk/testing
Development Manager @ JSWeb Ltd - suppliers of Applepay/Googlepay for Zencart
20 years with Zencart !
You should find the answer to the email problems in this thread
Now, anyone gonna help me with mine? :-)
Thanks Gwiazda, not only did that solve the problem I had, it solved a problem I didn't know I had in terms of the image size!![]()
I did notice though in your fix in the other thread that you have posted the code relevant to the LIGHTBOX you've installed;
includes/modules/pages/un_wishlist_email/header_php.php ...the original code isnotCode:$email_body .= sprintf(TEXT_EMAIL_LINK, $from_name, zen_href_link(UN_FILENAME_WISHLIST_FIND, 'wid=' . $id ));
I don't know if that has anything to do with it. It strikes me that if you did want to have a different filename in there then you'll need to define it yourself.Code:$email_body .= sprintf(TEXT_EMAIL_LINK, $from_name, zen_href_link(UN_FILENAME_LIGHTBOX_FIND, 'wid=' . $id));
Development Manager @ JSWeb Ltd - suppliers of Applepay/Googlepay for Zencart
20 years with Zencart !
LOL, well that will teach me to put in changes without reading them
I am getting this problem and although I have followed what I thought was the fix a few posts up Iam still getting this problem with theHTMl email arriving with the $EMAIL_MESSGAE_HTML in it.
Has this been fixed and can some one re-iterate the instructions just incase I have missed something please.
Many thanks
I am using the latest version of ZenCart and I was wondering where I can find a functional version of the Wishlist contrib... I can't seem to find it anywhere. Also, can I get an example of a site that uses the contrib currently? I haven't seen it in action, just heard of it.
Go to www.pinkpoppies.co.uk just updated to 1.3.6 - you'll need to login I'm afraid and it is a live site.
This uses the file from the downloads section
Development Manager @ JSWeb Ltd - suppliers of Applepay/Googlepay for Zencart
20 years with Zencart !
Looks pretty sweet... I have checked the downloads section and cannot find the contribution... mind giving me some direction? Thanks all...
Sorry - it's on his own site (but I did find it searching for Wishlist) ...
and then go back to the second post in this thread before installing
Development Manager @ JSWeb Ltd - suppliers of Applepay/Googlepay for Zencart
20 years with Zencart !