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  1. #571
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    Default Re: Recover Cart

    No I do not but thanks. This plugin could be great for me but I can not use it with the way it is working.

    Thanks again!

  2. #572
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    Default Re: Recover Cart

    Quote Originally Posted by nipinuk View Post
    Hi, I'm still getting a blank page in zencart Admin - Configuration - Configure RCS and would be really grateful for your help.

    This is what I've got:
    Zen Cart 1.5.1
    Recover Cart Sales - Version: 4.00.00a
    PHP Version: 5.2.17
    Database: MySQL 5.0.77

    I made the changes you suggested in post no. 541 of this thread, deleted the configuration_group table entry associated with the name "Recover Cart Sales", made sure that there are no items in the configuration table that start with RCS_ and then re-ran the SQL that you posted in post no. 548.

    I don't get any error messages, just keep getting a blank at Admin - Configuration - Configure RCS.

    Thank you!
    I'm guessing that the old admin_pages entry is still there, referencing a previous configuration install. That's why the configuration page "kind of" displays (the title only, no content). Try pasting the following uninstall SQL script into your admin's Tools->Install SQL Patches. That will clean out all the RCS-related database items and allow you to re-run the modified SQL install script.
    DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Recover Cart Sales';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key LIKE 'RCS_%';
    DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key IN ('recover_cart_sales', 'stats_recover_cart_sales', 'config_recover_cart_sales');

  3. #573
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    Default Re: Recover Cart

    Quote Originally Posted by remops View Post
    No I do not but thanks. This plugin could be great for me but I can not use it with the way it is working.

    Thanks again!
    Ok, Thanks.

    I was looking at the wrong module (Back in Stock) for this issue.

    How many others are having this problem?

  4. #574
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    Default Re: Recover Cart

    Thank you so much for your reply. In the end I did a clean install of Zen Cart 1.5.1 and then tried installing Recover Cart Sales - Version: 4.00.00a.

    I found that, for me, the SQL patch didn't work using phpMyAdmin but worked (mostly) when I logged into zen cart admin - Tools - Install SQL Patches and pasted it there.

    Admin - Configuration - Configure RCS works.
    Admin - Tools - Recover Cart Sales works
    Admin - Reports- Recovered Sales Reports - not working. There was a bug fix in version 3.00a by numinix for when the Recover Cart Sales Report is empty and I wonder if that was incorporated into version 4.00.00a? I can't find any details of what exactly was changed.

    Thank you so much!

  5. #575
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    Default Re: Recover Cart


    I've been running this mod for many years, however, I never really got the config page to show. Like many others, all I get is a blank page. Thought I would once again give this a try, so I scrolled this thread for possible solutions.

    I'm on Zen cart Zen Cart 1.5.1, PHP 5.4.4 and MySQL 5.5.25 , this is on my local test server.

    I run the install script that's included in the download :
    CREATE TABLE scart (
      scartid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      customers_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      dateadded varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
      datemodified varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
      PRIMARY KEY  (scartid),
      UNIQUE KEY customers_id (customers_id),
      UNIQUE KEY scartid (scartid)
    SET @configuration_group_id=0;
    SELECT (@configuration_group_id:=configuration_group_id) FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title= 'Recover Cart Sales' LIMIT 1;
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible) VALUES (NULL, 'Recover Cart Sales', 'Recover Cart Sales (RCS) Configuration Values', '1', '1');
    SET @configuration_group_id=last_insert_id();
    UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = @configuration_group_id WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id;
    SET @configuration_group_id=0;
    SELECT (@configuration_group_id:=configuration_group_id) FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title= 'Recover Cart Sales' LIMIT 1;
    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES 
    (NULL, 'Look back days', 'RCS_BASE_DAYS', '30', 'Number of days to look back from today for abandoned cards.', @configuration_group_id, 10, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Sales Results Report days', 'RCS_REPORT_DAYS', '90', 'Number of days the sales results report takes into account. The more days the longer the SQL queries!.', @configuration_group_id, 15, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'E-Mail time to live', 'RCS_EMAIL_TTL', '90', 'Number of days to give for emails before they no longer show as being sent', @configuration_group_id, 20, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Friendly E-Mails', 'RCS_EMAIL_FRIENDLY', 'true', 'If <b>true</b> then the customer\'s name will be used in the greeting. If <b>false</b> then a generic greeting will be used.', @configuration_group_id, 30, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Show Attributes', 'RCS_SHOW_ATTRIBUTES', 'true', 'Controls display of item attributes.<br /><br />Some sites have attributes for their items.<br /><br />Set this to <b>true</b> if yours does and you want to show them, otherwise set to <b>false</b>.', @configuration_group_id, 40, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Ignore Customers with Sessions', 'RCS_CHECK_SESSIONS', 'false', 'If you want the tool to ignore customers with an active session (ie, probably still shopping) set this to <b>true</b>.<br /><br />Setting this to <b>false</b> will operate in the default manner of ignoring session data &amp; using less resources', @configuration_group_id, 40, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Ignore Repeat Customers', 'RCS_CHECK_REPEAT', 'false', 'Setting this to true will cause recover cart sales to ignore abandoned carts by repeat customers', @configuration_group_id, 45, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Current Customer Color', 'RCS_CURCUST_COLOR', '0000FF', 'Color for the word/phrase used to notate a current customer<br /><br />A current customer is someone who has purchased items from your store in the past.', @configuration_group_id, 50, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Uncontacted hilight color', 'RCS_UNCONTACTED_COLOR', '80FFFF', 'Row highlight color for uncontacted customers.<br /><br />An uncontacted customer is one that you have <i>not</i> used this tool to send an email to before.', @configuration_group_id, 60, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Contacted hilight color', 'RCS_CONTACTED_COLOR', 'FF9FA2', 'Row highlight color for contacted customers.<br /><br />An contacted customer is one that you <i>have</i> used this tool to send an email to before.', @configuration_group_id, 70, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Matching Order Hilight', 'RCS_MATCHED_ORDER_COLOR', '9FFF22', 'Row highlight color for entrees that may have a matching order.<br /><br />An entry will be marked with this color if an order contains one or more of an item in the abandoned cart <b>and</b> matches either the cart\'s customer email address or database ID.', @configuration_group_id, 72, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Skip Carts w/Matched Orders', 'RCS_SKIP_MATCHED_CARTS', 'true', 'To ignore carts with an a matching order set this to <b>true</b>.<br /><br />Setting this to <b>false</b> will cause entries with a matching order to show, along with the matching order\'s status.<br /><br />See documentation for details.', @configuration_group_id, 80, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Lowest Pending sales status', 'RCS_PENDING_SALE_STATUS', '1', 'The highest value that an order can have and still be considered pending. Any value higher than this will be considered by RCS as sale which completed.<br /><br />See documentation for details.', @configuration_group_id, 85, NULL, NOW(), 'zen_get_order_status_name', 'zen_cfg_pull_down_order_statuses('),
    (NULL, 'Report Even Row Style', 'RCS_REPORT_EVEN_STYLE', 'dataTableRow', 'Style for even rows in results report. Typical options are <i>dataTableRow</i> and <i>attributes-even</i>.', @configuration_group_id, 90, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Report Odd Row Style', 'RCS_REPORT_ODD_STYLE', '', 'Style for odd rows in results report. Typical options are NULL (ie, no entry) and <i>attributes-odd</i>.', @configuration_group_id, 92, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'E-Mail Copies to', 'RCS_EMAIL_COPIES_TO', '', 'If you want copies of emails that are sent to customers by this contribution, enter the email address here. If empty no copies are sent', @configuration_group_id, 35, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Autocheck \'safe\' carts to email', 'RCS_AUTO_CHECK', 'true', 'To check entries which are most likely safe to email (ie, not existing customers, not previously emailed, etc.) set this to <b>true</b>.<br /><br />Setting this to <b>false</b> will leave all entries unchecked (you will have to check each entry you want to send an email for).', @configuration_group_id, 82, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Match orders from any date', 'RCS_CARTS_MATCH_ALL_DATES', 'true', 'If <b>true</b> then any order found with a matching item will be considered a matched order.<br /><br />If <b>false</b> only orders placed after the abandoned cart are considered.', @configuration_group_id, 84, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');
    INSERT IGNORE INTO admin_pages (page_key, language_key, main_page, page_params, menu_key, display_on_menu, sort_order) VALUES ('recover_cart_sales', 'BOX_TOOLS_RECOVER_CART', 'FILENAME_RECOVER_CART_SALES', '', 'tools', 'Y', 200);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO admin_pages (page_key, language_key, main_page, page_params, menu_key, display_on_menu, sort_order) VALUES ('stats_recover_cart_sales', 'BOX_REPORTS_RECOVER_CART_SALES', 'FILENAME_STATS_RECOVER_CART_SALES', '', 'reports', 'Y', 200);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO admin_pages (page_key, language_key, main_page, page_params, menu_key, display_on_menu, sort_order) VALUES ('config_recover_cart_sales', 'BOX_CONFIG_RECOVER_CART_SALES', 'FILENAME_CONFIGURATION',CONCAT('gID=',@configuration_group_id), 'configuration', 'Y', @configuration_group_id);
    But all I get is :

    Success 15 statements processed.
    Error ERROR: Cannot insert configuration_key "" because it already exists
    Error ERROR: Cannot insert configuration_key "" because it already exists
    Error ERROR: Cannot insert configuration_key "" because it already exists
    Error ERROR: Cannot insert configuration_key "" because it already exists
    Warning Note: 1 statements ignored. See "upgrade_exceptions" table for additional details.
    I'm not sure exactly what this means.

    I've been using this script to uninstall :
    DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Recover Cart Sales';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key LIKE 'RCS_%';
    DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key IN ('recover_cart_sales', 'stats_recover_cart_sales', 'config_recover_cart_sales');
    ...and then running the install script again. I still get the same error.

    I also cannot figure out how to run the install script directly in phpmyadmin, I'm using a table prefix and I'm not sure what to change in the install file.

    I also tried these suggested solutions :
    (makes no difference as I can tell)
    (no difference either)

    Interestingly, I find a solution that sounds to be it. Unfortunately, I'm not skilled enough to apply this myself :

    Even though I've successfully used this module for years even without a configuration page, it would definitely be nice to have one :).

    Kindly asking for solutions for this issue.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Best wishes


  6. #576
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    Default Re: Recover Cart

    Hi, updating Zen Cart and patching the database solved the issue above. Nice!

    Now I'n curious if I can define my own e-mail template. I found a hint in recover_cart_sales.php :

    // E-mail Processing - Requires EMAIL_* defines in the
    		// includes/languages/english/recover_cart_sales.php file
    		$email = '';
    Not sure how I would do this, though.

    The readme file makes me a little confused too :
    ï Supports sending text email only, not HTML. Sent message is based on Zen Cart email template.
    My RCS e-mails definitely go out in HTML, but if I'm not mistaken it's based on the "email_template_default.html" template.

    Would be great to be able to use, let's say "email_template_rcs.html" instead.

    Would love to hear some ideas regarding this :).


    Best regards


  7. #577
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    Default Re: Recover Cart

    Hmm Ok, please ignore the above post. I looked through recover_cart_sales.php again and realized two things,

    1. The "hint" I found is for the strings of text and nothing else. I confused it was related to names of files (e-mail templates that would be. Wishful think maybe, he he)

    2. RCS is using the default Zen Cart e-mail template, whether the template is in HTML or not. It's the text that's being sent from RCS that is text only, and no HTML. That's no problem for me. Still curious if it's just the question of a simple code change to define my own e-mail template file somewhere as I want to give the RCS e-mails some special features :).

    I also noticed the setting "Ignore Repeat Customers" which I think sounds interesting to try out, not sure if I understand what it really does though, as my test user with 7 placed orders in the past still get the RCS e-mails. Isn't this setting for not sending e-mails to repeat customers at all? The text after the greeting changed a little bit though (to the "EMAIL_TEXT_CURCUST_INTRO" string instead of "EMAIL_TEXT_NEWCUST_INTRO") so RCS apparently recognized my test user as a repeat customer. Have anybody else got this to work? Or did I misunderstand what the setting is for?

    Best regards


  8. #578
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    Default Re: Recover Cart

    OK, I got the "Ignore Repeat Customer" setting now. Once my test user did the actual purchase - after being notified by RCS - he didn't show up anymore. I guess this is to prevent abuse of any discount coupons you might include in the e-mail. I thought the setting was for ignoring repeat customers overall. So it all makes sense now :).

    I'm thinking about adapting the design of my default e-mail template the way I want it to look with RCS. And just keep my thumbs crossed no other module is using this default template. I hope I'm right :)

  9. #579
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    Default Re: Recover Cart

    Using the mod with 1.5.0 Everything works 100% except the links to the product in the email show up with a slash and without the domain like:


  10. #580
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    Default Re: Recover Cart

    OK, I've read thru every thread here and found no answer to this same issue. I have the latest version of RCS 4.0.1 installed on a zencart 1.5.3. Everything works fine except the links in the email.

    The link for the shopping cart contents looks exactly like this:
    1 x Luncheon Napkins

    note is starts at the slash for the store directory with no preceding domain url or anything so is not a workable link

    and the link for the store/site is like this:


    again, just the store directory with no preceding well formed domain url.

    I have ceon url mapping installed so that is likely the issue I'd guess. ANyone have any thoughts on how to fix this so it will either override the url mapping and put in the zencart ugly urls or work with the mapping?


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