I have managed to get something working. Pretty basic code but it works fine.
$lang1 = $_SESSION["language"];
if ($lang1 == "french") {
// french text...
if ($lang1 == "english") {
// english text...
Hope it helps. It solved my problem.
I have managed to get something working. Pretty basic code but it works fine.
$lang1 = $_SESSION["language"];
if ($lang1 == "french") {
// french text...
if ($lang1 == "english") {
// english text...
Hope it helps. It solved my problem.
I've put the code into the tpl_header.php but it didn't work. Where and how hould I put the code to.
Thank you for help.
Sorry I forgot to give some important information...
You need to download and apply the following add-on:
Once applied, you will have a new file called tpl_header_languages.php in the same folder than tpl_header.php.
You need to edit that file. Originally it has the little country flags as links to change language but I wanted a simple word that would link to the opposite language.
Hope this helps.
I've installed this contribution for currency to display in the header - fantastic, top right, just where I want it to appear. I'd like to add "tool tips", "title" and/or "alt" tags to each currency link. I'm looking in tpl_header_currencies.php:
$content = " ";
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($currencies_array); $i++) {
$content .= '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], zen_get_all_get_params(array('language')) . 'currency=' . $currencies_array[$i]['id'], $request_type) . '">' . $currencies_array[$i]['text'] . '</a> ';
echo $content;
Please can anyone tell me how to call the currency code to appear when you mouse over the relevant currency symbol? USD, GBP, EUR, CAD and AUD are the ones that I have active.
As ever, my thanks in advance.
At present, if you look at the currency symbols displayed in 'my' header, they are $ € £ $ $ - if I could get the "tool tip" alt"" or title"" to work, it would help identify the correct $ USD, CAD or AUD to the customer. I hope that someone can point me in the right direction.
In the file, /includes/templates/[CUSTOM]/common/tpl_header.php
require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'header_currencies.php');
require(DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory('header_currencies.php'));
You can see an example at my store: http://www.serahsonline.com
To get the drop-down, I replaced everything in /includes/templates/templates_default/common/tpl_header_currencies.php with the following code:
$content = "";
$content .= zen_draw_form('currencies_form', zen_href_link(basename(ereg_replace('.php','', $PHP_SELF)), '', $request_type, false), 'get');
$content .= zen_draw_pull_down_menu('currency', $currencies_array, $_SESSION['currency'], 'onchange="this.form.submit();"') . $hidden_get_variables . zen_hide_session_id();
$content .= '</form>';
echo $content;
Last edited by Serahs; 10 Oct 2008 at 10:06 AM. Reason: wanted to add formatting
Serah's - Getting Clean Never Looked So Good!
I have installed bunyip's most excellent currency header mod and it works fine. However, an ongoing issue I have is attempting to display a preferred sort order of the currencies.
I only have GBP, EUR and USD and this is the order I wish to achieve.
See: www.prestigeringcompany.com/index.php and you will note the order is USD, EUR, GBP
I have deleted and reset the currencies to try and change the order and I have tried kuroi's fix and changed the currency title to try and influence any alphabetic sort, etc... but I am having no luck and slowly going mad...
Would anybody know how I can achieve the preferred sort order of GBP EUR USD ...???
Thank you kindly in advance...
121webconsultancy - Professional Website Design & Internet Marketing
I am using Zen Cart 1.3.8a.
I tried Language/Currency contribution.
My Language gets doubled. One flag appears in a header, another one appears to be not in a right column but sort of higher, between the header and the main table.
Tried to do it several times, the same thing happens.
The one which appears in the right below the header is not the sidebox, because it is off in Admin.
Can you guys help?