What directories all the images are in. IE: buttons, icons, images etc.
What directories all the images are in. IE: buttons, icons, images etc.
Thanks to all for excellent input. Feel free to encourage other new users to post their questions in this thread. More feedback will likely produce a better quality document.
It is GOOD to repeat a question from a previous post. It will help us gauge how many people are struggling with that particular problem. The explanation does not have to be long, just a basic questions list.
No one is alarmed or offended by the frank portrayal of the frustration you are going through. One of the major themes in this project is to decide how to help new users with limited programming experience.
Please be as specific as possible. It is already clear that we need a dictionary or glossary. When you say, "I don't know what any of this means" it would be more helpful to say, "I don't what a breadcrumb is" or "What is file comparison?"
Please continue to post links to urls and/or threads that gave helpful explanations. I will contact the authors about using their material.
Thanks to several seasoned users that have taken already interest.
I completely agree on the glossary idea. Though I don't have any specific examples at the moment, but what confused me the most was commerce and buisness type jargon.
Also, there is a LOT of good info out there in the forum, but as already mentioned, it can be a real pain to find. Setting up shipping calculators was a bit confusing for me (all the abbreviations and options??? I was only familiar with like 6 different shipping options, 3 for UPS and 3 for USPS, I have little to no idea what most of the differences are in those, or even how to ship in that method).
Setting up the tax class could use some explination too, for some reason it defaults for "florida" and I had a hard time figuring out how to add "Massachusetts"
Also, the currency conversion was wrong I believe (US Dollars converted to Euro), it was the inverse of what it was supposed to be, that is it calculated the Euro as less valuable than the Dollar, but in fact it is more valuable. Also, setting up a system to automatically retrieve this information from a website would be sweet, since currency conversions change daily. But I guess this is getting into a suggestion for later versions of zen cart, not a noob tutorial.
My bf has done most of my store so I didn't run into certain things, but since he has become busy with school and his store I have tried to do things on my own.
My problems have been those darn button/banners. Explain in simple turns how they work and which ones rotate and which do not. I have finally got mine to work.
The basic attributes weren't such a problem since I have done them before, but the problem I am having now is how to upload files onto the site so the customer doesn't have to email me their pic seprate. Which btw no one has answered yet.
If I think of more I will post again but those are the two problems I'm having with.
BTW this is a great idea!!!
If need to prepare images of screen capture and flash moives for the purposes of demo and tutor.
Please refer to a freeware Wink
Its a Win program, easy to use and can produce smaller file size.
A New Starter again
I'd love a tour of the admin panel, it took me about a fortnight to explore it properly and there are still bits I dont touch because I'm unclear exactly what they do! I kind of get paranoid that all kinds of wierd stuff will occur when my cart goes live, because I wont have fully configured the thing. I do appreciate that thats a huge ask, though.
Thank you so much for doing this, its people like yourself who make using zencart a bit less scary for people like me who have no computer smarts.![]()
I would like to see a clear explanation of the how to make basic changes like to the header banner and which files control which changes. The most confusing part of Zen Cart is you have to deal with three or more separate files to make simple changes, Also the word Override is very confusing, translate that at the beginning. Doesn't it mean your making a custom page? See I still don't know what it means. The FAQ section leaves a lot of things out or is too hard to find. Nobody wants to spend a hour looking through the FAQ and you still can't find what you're looking for. The FAQ needs to be re-written. Also a better explanation for making your own custom pages. It's so confusing now I wouldn't even try to make any custom pages outside of just changing the header banner.
Keep it simple.
Additional worthy items for your list:
- How to backup shoppe, including file directories and database.
- Include applicable database lingo in the Glossary.
- Mention phpmyadmin.
- Mention DB prefixes.
- Mention patching store DB (via admin).
- Tools for batch product uploads.
- Mention XHTML and CSS validation.
- Basic reference to security issues, directing store owners to specific documentation.
- Document the pre-flight check for zc_install process.
- Document post install recommends.
- Light reference to 3rd party install scripts (e.g. Fantastico). Semi-automated install processes are used more often these days, hiding many of the configuration details from the storeowner. (i.e. what is configure.php anyway?)
I opened my shop this week.
The orders don't show up in admin, but the payments come in.
Embarrassed to ask the customer what he/she bought.
I went through Merlin's tutorial, and a lot of stuff found on the forum. Nothing has helped. The shop is on a shared Linux server and port 80 is available. I don't use SSL, but plan to, and will have to use another port instead of 443. But that's the future...
All the addresses are correctly filled in both in admin and at PayPal. I have reloaded the paypal parts from the fresh unzip, uninstalled and reinstalled.
I have changed the permissions on the ipn_main_handler and checkout_process to 755.
But I have no idea what else I could do!
Then, when I log into PayPal, the footer talks about PayPal UK. But the URL on top starts with paypal.com and no uk. But on the other hand, the payments go through, so the address to paypal must be correct? - I'm in Europe.
If I get no information into admin about the purchases, how is is possible that they are completed at paypal? They have then received an answer to the post from my server??? (I read the PayPal instructions with a magnifying glass!)
So, please, when you update your tutorials/instructions, try to make it as comprehensive as possible.
Marianne in Finland
a comment for each code will be a great help for us to know what that code affects/changesOriginally Posted by wtashby