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  1. #71
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    Default Re: Things every New Zenner needs to know

    I think this would be great and if I knew more about Zencart, I probably would have already done this (since I write documentation for a living or at least partially). My biggest problem is knowing where to change things. I can muddle my way through the code and figure it out most of the time. It's just a matter of knowing where to look. What would be nice is screen shots of each page in the template and captions is to where that particular field/column etc can be changed.

    I have spent the past several days trying to figure out where to change the stupid center header bar that says home and still can't find it.

    This would absolutely be wonderful if someone put together a guide of each field and what it does, etc.

  2. #72
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    Default Re: Things every New Zenner needs to know

    Quote Originally Posted by bwhitmire
    I think this would be great and if I knew more about Zencart, I probably would have already done this (since I write documentation for a living or at least partially). My biggest problem is knowing where to change things. I can muddle my way through the code and figure it out most of the time. It's just a matter of knowing where to look. What would be nice is screen shots of each page in the template and captions is to where that particular field/column etc can be changed.

    I have spent the past several days trying to figure out where to change the stupid center header bar that says home and still can't find it.

    This would absolutely be wonderful if someone put together a guide of each field and what it does, etc.

    How do I remove the Home in the middle column next to the Categories box?

    This is called the breadcrumb (think Hansel and Gretel) showing where you are and how to get back to previous locations. You can either turn it off completely or you can turn it off only on the main page.

    You can turn it off in admin -> configuration -> layout settings -> Define Breadcrumb Status and set to 0.

    To turn it off on the main page in includes -> templates -> YOUR_TEMPLATE -> templates -> common -> tpl_main_page.php find the following lines of code

    <!-- bof breadcrumb -->
    <?php if (DEFINE_BREADCRUMB_STATUS == '1') { ?>
    <div id="navBreadCrumb"><?php echo $breadcrumb->trail(BREAD_CRUMBS_SEPARATOR); ?></div>
    <?php } ?>
    <!-- eof breadcrumb -->

    and change to:

    <!-- bof breadcrumb -->
    <?php if (DEFINE_BREADCRUMB_STATUS == '1' && ($current_page!='index' || (int)$cPath>0 )) { ?> <div id="navBreadCrumb"><?php echo $breadcrumb->trail(BREAD_CRUMBS_SEPARATOR); ?></div>
    <?php } ?>
    <!-- eof breadcrumb -->

  3. #73
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    Default Re: Things every New Zenner needs to know

    Hello Everyone,

    As a newbie, I believe the help needs to also start from the very beginning. The installation information is very vague especially if a person wishes to set it up using their computer as the local host. The generic statements of set up works only for those who can start at the middle. New people need a specific step by step, first this and then next with exact wording....stop assuming the reader knows what you mean....very frustrating.


  4. #74
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    Default Re: Things every New Zenner needs to know

    It is sad when you read other posts and they speak about getting answers from the zen forum like the faq and other comments that imply the questioner is an idiot or lazy....the comments here about a clear explanation being more reading and one is expected to put out effort...yaddy yadda....smells of the same sense of condescension....If things were clear newbies would not be so confused or frustrated.
    More reading is not the problem it is the desperate need for reading that is clear, sequential and relevant that is needed. As things stand and it has been stated over and over.....hours and days and weeks of searching can be one heck of a hayride made worse if your not sure what needle your looking for or the information is like reading a foreign language.

    Please consider that pleas for help and useful responses =a bigger zen community and positive word-of-mouth advertisement and disgruntled chastised folks leave zen and go use the competition.

    We are not lazy and we do not mind reading, obviously we are reading to be here and we are willing to work and put effort by trying to learn how to work with not imply insult to those asking help.


  5. #75
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    Default Re: Things every New Zenner needs to know

    Let's see how we can make this a one size fits all kind of world?
    1. Everyone must use white background and the standard logo! That would eliminate the need for questions about changing the background.
    2. Everyone must host on the same type server with the same version of MySQL and PHP! Boy would that simplify matters!
    3. It's too difficult to set up SSL so it will no longer be supported.
    4. No more language files. Everyone WILL switch to Latin.

    Think abut just those four variables and what it would take to create a document that would cover all the REAL choices you can make with ZenCart.

    What I'm saying is that few of us have the bandwidth needed to download what an all-encompassing "how to" document would look like. Not picking on Clyde as he has helped me several times but not everyone has heard of Hansel and Gretel.

    As you read further through the posts in this forum, you will see how patient and helpful the devs are in many cases where I would find it difficult to withhold a .
    It's quite obvious that many folks don't even know there is a docs folder! However, anyone with a question that even acts like they have taken the time to research the problem will generally get an answer faster than anywhere I have experienced before.
    Sometimes the answer is a gentle prod to read some of the basic information. As Ajeh is want to say, "You might accidentally learn something." That's a program that has worked quite well for me these last two years.

  6. #76
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    Default Re: Things every New Zenner needs to know


    We are working on some 'step-by-step guides' that should help you with issues.

    The reason people say 'look in the FAQ' is because the question that just asked has been answered dozens, if not hundreds of times, before. Put yourself in the place of the person answering your question when a new user asks a question that you have answered yourself twice a week for a year. As dbltoe said, it can get frustrating.

    There is a philosophy in the forum that tries to balance two things: give the answer the user needs now versus teach the user how to find their own answers. Not everyone handles it the same way. Overall, I feel there is a very good balance.

    While the software bears no financial cost to download, there is a substantial cost in learning. Either pay with your time and effort or pay with your credit card. Your choice.

    I could only find your two posts here. Do you have a question that has not been answered? If so, find the best topic and post a clear simple question. Someone will help.

    Good luck.

  7. #77
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    Default Re: Things every New Zenner needs to know

    Quote Originally Posted by Merlinpa1969
    If you need help with the paypal let me know,
    I need to update the current paypal tutorial anyway might as well put it all in one place
    Hi. Do you have the paypal tutorial available? how could I take a look a this?


  8. #78
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    Default Re: Things every New Zenner needs to know

    Quote Originally Posted by carlosferrandis
    Hi. Do you have the paypal tutorial available? how could I take a look a this?
    Here's a place to start:

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  9. #79
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    Default Re: Things every New Zenner needs to know

    I am not a professional webbie - just a an artist trying to set up a site. Months ago when I first downloaded ZenCart, there was a link to step by step instructions for downloading and installing it. I am unable to find this and although I think the Wikie is great, its in greek as far as I am concerned.

    Is there anyway to get a true beginner install doc? I am just lost at this point because there I have no manual or anything to resource.

    THank you very much for any and all help - this is a fantastic product and very generous venture.


  10. #80
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    Default Re: Things every New Zenner needs to know

    In your download /docs/ are step by step installation instructions.


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