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  1. #1
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    Default Remotely Hosted Payment Page - Possible?!?!

    Hello there,

    I'm wondering if zencart can checkout to a remotely hosting payment page that collects credit card details and treat the order as being competed upon the return of the customer.

    There are no response codes to worry about because its a manual gateway, its straight out to the hosted page and back again after payment, but it is not looking like zencart can send to a manual external payment solution outside itself and treat the order as being completed upon customer's return, either that or I'm completely missing something.

    Is there a basic module for this? Is it possible with zencart?

    Any advice would greatly be appreciated.

    Thanx zenners
    Last edited by jumbuck2; 12 Jun 2006 at 03:14 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Remotely Hosted Payment Page - Possible?!?!

    you mean like paypal and 2checkout and firepay and stormpay work.. Yes it can be done.
    you need to have the order returned to checkout_process after payment is made with so that the system can proceed to checkout_success....

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Remotely Hosted Payment Page - Possible?!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Merlinpa1969
    you mean like paypal and 2checkout and firepay and stormpay work.. Yes it can be done.
    you need to have the order returned to checkout_process after payment is made with so that the system can proceed to checkout_success....
    Hey thanx Merlinpa1969 for replying. Yeh, its to the e-Path manual payment gateway so there are no response codes or success/failure pages to worry about. Its just checkout from cart to make payment on remote payment page then back into cart.

    The customer is returning correctly to checkout_process but it is the front page - "Congratulations! You have successfully installed your Zen Cart™" that they see, nothing more. But I think the cart needs to accept the order as having been completed and this is not happening, it doesn't show checkout_success nor is it recording it as an order when I go into admin.

    Wondering if there was just a basic generic module that goes: ZC checkout > payment page > back to ZC checkout_success.php. This is all I need. If there is I should be able to mod it to tie in with e-Path's field values. Is there a module like that out there do u know?

    Thanks again Merlinpa1969 for your reply.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Remotely Hosted Payment Page - Possible?!?!

    Man, If customer pay order and returned to checkout _success it is no problem...
    But you dont know this customer pay order or not, if yo udosnt receive any info from billing system...

    If CC rejected and you return customer to checkout _success it dosnt look good...
    try other system...

    Offsite Payment

    You receive order and send to customer link for make payment. after that you can work with this order.

    If you dosnt receive online payment confirmation from billing system - no way to know what page show to customer... "Congradulations" or "Your payment rejected"

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Remotely Hosted Payment Page - Possible?!?!

    Thank for replying but are you sure you are right??

    The page I'm sending to is a manual gateway. It doesn't charge the card, just collects it and the card holders authourisation. See The customer authourises the charge and the merchant charges it through his eftpos machine later when he approves the order himself. The idea here is that with e-Path the mercahnt can contol what is entered in his mercahnt account, it is not an "all in without any checking" situation like a real time gateway.

    The customer still needs to come back to the cart after he has entered his payment authourisation into the payment page to see that his order has been successfully received and so ZC can close of the order.

    What code do I put in the module that will tell ZC to treat the order as completed? I think this is what I'm after (I think). I just need a generic basic module that goes from ZC checkout to payment page then back again where ZC can treat the order as completed. I'm embarrased I'm stumped on such a basic module.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Remotely Hosted Payment Page - Possible?!?!

    what is the url that the customer is comming back to?
    and remember that the session ID must be passed back as well otherwise you will get a time out error.

    Your customer is better off using the stock credit card module and manually processing the charges....

    in order for a payment gateway to be successful for zen cart it either needs to stay on zen carts pages like authnet. or check/money order.... ( authnet is a real time charge check/mo actually complets the order and leaves it in a pending state till payment is recieved )
    Or like paypal in which the system is designed to talk back to zen cart.

    you cant just send someone off site and then send em back again....
    Zen cart PCI compliant Hosting

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Remotely Hosted Payment Page - Possible?!?!

    Hey, thanks for replying again Merlinpa1969.

    If you go here.. they have a zen demo that shows what I'm talking about. The OSCommerce one on that page seems to work fine, emailing out to the customer and closing off the order OK. The zen one doesn't for some reason.

    There's a bit of a talk around the place here in OZ about banks threatening to suspend merchant accounts of people who receive credit card details by insecure means, like email and shopping carts that store info on servers etc. Apparently there is a massive security protocol needed to store credit card numbers on servers, even temporarily. They are really cracking down on everything now. I'm not too sure of the facts but e-Path is an approved service and seems to do everything a real time gateway does but instead of charging the card it gets the card holders authorisation, just as securely as a real time thing.

    So I guess I need a basic module that tells the cart all is well when the person comes back to it from authorizing their card payment on the e-Path hosted payment page.

    I have modified the Paymate module and zen is sending everything through correctly and the customer is returned correctly to the checkout_process page but zen doesn't "read" it as done, there is no checkout_success and no record of the orders in admin. Maybe the Payment module is too old.

    Anymore thoughts? And thanks again Merlinpa1969 for your help, I appreciate it.


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Remotely Hosted Payment Page - Possible?!?!

    Zen cart dosnt store the number in the db
    it stores 1/2 and emails 1/2 along with the cvv code.

    email me the file you have for OSC that you started with.
    see what I can do with it...

    zens functions and OSC functions are not the same

    merlin AT camelot-hosting DOT com
    Zen cart PCI compliant Hosting

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Remotely Hosted Payment Page - Possible?!?!

    I hope I don't get into trouble for this, but I've attached the module...

    I'm trying to get a simple action, from ZC to epath then back to ZC so it recognises it as being paid. I don't know whether asking you to look at it is too rude, but if you notice anything not right please let me know. Its working OK except ZC doesn't recognise it as being paid and doesn't send any emails out. I'd greatly apprecate it should you care to have a peek. but my apologies if I am expecting way too much here.

    Thanks for your time Merlinpa1969.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Remotely Hosted Payment Page - Possible?!?!

    Sorry to add something after I've already posted.

    You'll notice the time function for the unique order number sent to e-Path. This works well because I've called it back in order.php so it emails the e-Path unique receipt number underneath the ZC order number - the merchant can see exactly what payment relates to what order.

    But you are right, the cart is sending to e-Path its return address as
    /index.php?main_page=checkout_process for some reason.



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