Thread: "View All" link

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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
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    Default Re: "View All" link

    A big thumbs up for Ajeh's method - works fine in v1.51

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
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    Default Re: "View All" link

    Scrub that premature praise - still some work to do as sorting by price clears the view all selection

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
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    Default Re: "View All" link

    ive used your code and it works like a charm in my categories. but for some reason it cannot work in feature,special pages giving me a error with no description when clicked. Therefore is there a way to disable the button when you click on those pages ?
    the code is this:

    * split_page_results Class.
    * @package classes
    * @copyright Copyright 2003-2006 Zen Cart Development Team
    * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
    * @license GNU Public License V2.0
    * @version $Id: split_page_results.php 3041 2006-02-15 21:56:45Z wilt $
    if (!defined('IS_ADMIN_FLAG')) {
    die('Illegal Access');
    * Split Page Result Class
    * An sql paging class, that allows for sql reslt to be shown over a number of pages using simple navigation system
    * Overhaul scheduled for subsequent release
    * @package classes
    class splitPageResults extends base {
    var $sql_query, $number_of_rows, $current_page_number, $number_of_pages, $number_of_rows_per_page, $page_name;

    /* class constructor */
    function splitPageResults($query, $max_rows, $count_key = '*', $page_holder = 'page', $debug = false) {
    global $db;

    $this->sql_query = $query;
    $this->page_name = $page_holder;

    if ($debug) {
    echo 'original_query=' . $query . '<br /><br />';
    if (isset($_GET[$page_holder])) {
    $page = $_GET[$page_holder];
    } elseif (isset($_POST[$page_holder])) {
    $page = $_POST[$page_holder];
    } else {
    $page = '';

    if ($page == 'all') {
    $this->page_all = true;
    $override = $db->Execute($query);
    $max_rows = $override->RecordCount();

    if (empty($page) || !is_numeric($page)) $page = 1;
    $this->current_page_number = $page;

    $this->number_of_rows_per_page = $max_rows;

    $pos_to = strlen($this->sql_query);

    $query_lower = strtolower($this->sql_query);
    $pos_from = strpos($query_lower, ' from', 0);

    $pos_group_by = strpos($query_lower, ' group by', $pos_from);
    if (($pos_group_by < $pos_to) && ($pos_group_by != false)) $pos_to = $pos_group_by;

    $pos_having = strpos($query_lower, ' having', $pos_from);
    if (($pos_having < $pos_to) && ($pos_having != false)) $pos_to = $pos_having;

    $pos_order_by = strpos($query_lower, ' order by', $pos_from);
    if (($pos_order_by < $pos_to) && ($pos_order_by != false)) $pos_to = $pos_order_by;

    if (strpos($query_lower, 'distinct') || strpos($query_lower, 'group by')) {
    $count_string = 'distinct ' . zen_db_input($count_key);
    } else {
    $count_string = zen_db_input($count_key);
    $count_query = "select count(" . $count_string . ") as total " .
    substr($this->sql_query, $pos_from, ($pos_to - $pos_from));
    if ($debug) {
    echo 'count_query=' . $count_query . '<br /><br />';
    $count = $db->Execute($count_query);

    $this->number_of_rows = $count->fields['total'];

    $this->number_of_pages = ceil($this->number_of_rows / $this->number_of_rows_per_page);

    if ($this->current_page_number > $this->number_of_pages) {
    $this->current_page_number = $this->number_of_pages;

    $offset = ($this->number_of_rows_per_page * ($this->current_page_number - 1));

    // fix offset error on some versions
    if ($offset < 0) { $offset = 0; }

    $this->sql_query .= " limit " . $offset . ", " . $this->number_of_rows_per_page;

    /* class functions */

    // display split-page-number-links
    function display_links($max_page_links, $parameters = '') {
    global $request_type;

    $display_links_string = '';

    $class = '';

    if (zen_not_null($parameters) && (substr($parameters, -1) != '&')) $parameters .= '&';

    if (!$this->page_all) $display_links_string .= '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], $parameters . $this->page_name . '=' . 'all', $request_type) . '" title=" ' . SHOW_ALL_TITLE . ' ">' . SHOW_ALL_BUTTON . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
    else $display_links_string .= '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], $parameters, $request_type) . '" title=" ' . SHOW_PAGEVIEW_TITLE . ' ">' . SHOW_PAGEVIEW_BUTTON . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';

    // previous button - not displayed on first page
    if ($this->current_page_number > 1) $display_links_string .= '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], $parameters . $this->page_name . '=' . ($this->current_page_number - 1), $request_type) . '" title=" ' . PREVNEXT_TITLE_PREVIOUS_PAGE . ' ">' . PREVNEXT_BUTTON_PREV . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';

    // check if number_of_pages > $max_page_links
    $cur_window_num = intval($this->current_page_number / $max_page_links);
    if ($this->current_page_number % $max_page_links) $cur_window_num++;

    $max_window_num = intval($this->number_of_pages / $max_page_links);
    if ($this->number_of_pages % $max_page_links) $max_window_num++;

    // previous window of pages
    if ($cur_window_num > 1) $display_links_string .= '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], $parameters . $this->page_name . '=' . (($cur_window_num - 1) * $max_page_links), $request_type) . '" title=" ' . sprintf(PREVNEXT_TITLE_PREV_SET_OF_NO_PAGE, $max_page_links) . ' ">...</a>';

    // page nn button - visa inte om alla sidor visas
    if (!$this->page_all) {
    for ($jump_to_page = 1 + (($cur_window_num - 1) * $max_page_links); ($jump_to_page <= ($cur_window_num * $max_page_links)) && ($jump_to_page <= $this->number_of_pages); $jump_to_page++) {
    if ($jump_to_page == $this->current_page_number) {
    $display_links_string .= '&nbsp;<strong class="current">' . $jump_to_page . '</strong>&nbsp;';
    } else {
    $display_links_string .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], $parameters . $this->page_name . '=' . $jump_to_page, $request_type) . '" title=" ' . sprintf(PREVNEXT_TITLE_PAGE_NO, $jump_to_page) . ' ">' . $jump_to_page . '</a>&nbsp;';

    // next window of pages
    if ($cur_window_num < $max_window_num) $display_links_string .= '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], $parameters . $this->page_name . '=' . (($cur_window_num) * $max_page_links + 1), $request_type) . '" title=" ' . sprintf(PREVNEXT_TITLE_NEXT_SET_OF_NO_PAGE, $max_page_links) . ' ">...</a>&nbsp;';

    // next button
    if (($this->current_page_number < $this->number_of_pages) && ($this->number_of_pages != 1)) $display_links_string .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], $parameters . 'page=' . ($this->current_page_number + 1), $request_type) . '" title=" ' . PREVNEXT_TITLE_NEXT_PAGE . ' ">' . PREVNEXT_BUTTON_NEXT . '</a>&nbsp;';

    if ($display_links_string == '&nbsp;<strong class="current">1</strong>&nbsp;') {
    return '&nbsp;';
    } else {
    return $display_links_string;

    // display number of total products found
    function display_count($text_output) {
    $to_num = ($this->number_of_rows_per_page * $this->current_page_number);
    if ($to_num > $this->number_of_rows) $to_num = $this->number_of_rows;

    $from_num = ($this->number_of_rows_per_page * ($this->current_page_number - 1));

    if ($to_num == 0) {
    $from_num = 0;
    } else {

    if ($to_num <= 1) {
    // don't show count when 1
    return '';
    } else {
    return sprintf($text_output, $from_num, $to_num, $this->number_of_rows);

    if (!$this->page_all) {

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
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    red flag Re: "View All" link

    This might be one for Ajeh - Although obviously any help is welcome

    I am wanting to implement a view all button on the Products Listing. I had something similar working which you can see here on this site

    You will see a View All Products Button.

    I added this by adjusting the code in split_pages_results.php

    Just after

    if (zen_not_null($parameters) && (substr($parameters, -1) != '&')) $parameters .= '&';

    I added:

    if (!$this->page_all) $display_links_string .= '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], $parameters . $this->page_name . '=' . 'all', $request_type) . '" title=" ' . SHOW_ALL_TITLE . ' ">' . SHOW_ALL_BUTTON . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
    else $display_links_string .= '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], $parameters, $request_type) . '" title=" ' . SHOW_PAGEVIEW_TITLE . ' ">' . SHOW_PAGEVIEW_BUTTON . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';

    This works fine on Tapes Direct, which is running 1.5.4. However on 1.5.5e it doesn't work, in fact doesn't show the button at all.

    I have also tried some of the methods in this thread, but none of them seem to work with 1.5.5e
    Nick Smith - Venture Design and Print

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
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    Default Re: "View All" link

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick1973 View Post
    This might be one for Ajeh - Although obviously any help is welcome

    I am wanting to implement a view all button on the Products Listing. I had something similar working which you can see here on this site

    You will see a View All Products Button.

    I added this by adjusting the code in split_pages_results.php

    Just after

    if (zen_not_null($parameters) && (substr($parameters, -1) != '&')) $parameters .= '&';

    I added:

    if (!$this->page_all) $display_links_string .= '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], $parameters . $this->page_name . '=' . 'all', $request_type) . '" title=" ' . SHOW_ALL_TITLE . ' ">' . SHOW_ALL_BUTTON . '</a>####';
    else $display_links_string .= '<a href="' . zen_href_link($_GET['main_page'], $parameters, $request_type) . '" title=" ' . SHOW_PAGEVIEW_TITLE . ' ">' . SHOW_PAGEVIEW_BUTTON . '</a>####';

    This works fine on Tapes Direct, which is running 1.5.4. However on 1.5.5e it doesn't work, in fact doesn't show the button at all.

    I have also tried some of the methods in this thread, but none of them seem to work with 1.5.5e
    This is in english.php as well:

    define('SHOW_ALL_TITLE', 'Show All Products on One Page');
    define('SHOW_ALL_BUTTON', '<div class="pageViewButton">View All Products</div>');
    define('SHOW_PAGEVIEW_TITLE', 'Show 6 Products Per Page');
    define('SHOW_PAGEVIEW_BUTTON', '<div class="pageViewButton">View as Split Pages</div>');
    Nick Smith - Venture Design and Print

  6. #46
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    Default Re: "View All" link

    Got this working in the end using the code supplied by asdf on page 3
    Nick Smith - Venture Design and Print


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