I think it is vital to add this information to the article that explains how to move a store to a different server. https://www.zen-cart.com/tutorials/i...hp?article=100

I had the same problem but thankfully I found the solution in this thread.

Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
1. If your "backup" is in the form of a .SQL file (text file), then you need to look for the two lines that talk about:
CREATE DATABASE `forex4_captivateuzencart`;
USE forex4_captivateuzencart;
... and put a # in front of each line, or delete those lines altogether. Then re-save the file.

If your "backup" is a ZIP or GZ or TAR file, you'll need to unzip/untar it first, then make the edits to the resultant .SQL file as described above.

2. Then, open phpMyAdmin on the new server.
3. Select the new database.
4. Drop the temporary tables (you said you already did this)
5. Now import the edited backup file (via the SQL or Import tab in phpMyAdmin).

Hopefully there aren't any database-version mismatches to reconcile with your backup file.
What version of MySQL was on the old server? What version is on the new server?